The Flash Injustice Fan Film: Would you donate?


New Member
I am creating a Flash fan film set in the Injustice world, and I'm wondering if I made a kickstarter if anyone would be willing to donate to make it happen?

This fan film, while set in the Injustice storyline, does not directly follow the comics; it focuses on Flash's moral struggles with the Regime, the stress of Iris wanting him out of the Regime (and crimefighting all together), and on the Rogues trying to make a life for themselves in this harsh new world Superman has created. I am casting at the moment and the script is nearly complete. Below are concept arts for the characters in the film (Reverse Flash has been cut out of the script, unfortunately. I hope to make that concept a reality someday, as I was very proud of it).
Superman is not in this story, only briefly mentioned at times. Some light exposition is given in the beginning to give context to the world they live in now.
I'm using EVA foam for most of the armored costume pieces, as well as a pepakura helmet for The Flash and Mirror Master and some 3D printed elements.
I have very qualified costumers graciously helping me out on this project, as well as some lovely locations to shoot at.
I hope to hear back from you guys! Thank you for looking!

"Cosplayers do it best"- CosplayChris


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I've been part of a few Kickstarters, and donated to many others. I think the best way to inspire people to donate is to already have done some work. The most successful Kickstarters I have seen have come from people who give off the notion that whatever it is they are working on will come to fruition because the makers are that determined, but they need some outside help to make it as great as it can be, in a shorter time frame.

With that said: your sketches look great, and the concept sounds like a Flash story worth telling. I think the tricks for funding a Kickstarter for this would be giving the audience a glimpse, and proof, of your cinematic quality. If possible, shoot a scene where Barry and someone else are conversing, just in street clothes, and at some point, Barry super-speeds away. If you can show the audience good acting quality and decent special effects, you'll be well on your way. That shows that you and your team know what you are doing and are capable of taking a great idea and making it into a great tangible product.

I hope it comes to fruition! I love me a good fan film.
I agree with Vox. If you had something more to show than just sketches it would help. My brother is trying to get money for an independent film he co-wrote. He spent a little money and made some investor footage. It's only about 5 minutes, but it gives an idea of how the funds would be spent. It doesn't have to be footage, it could be prototype costumes or props. Something to show A) you're serious, B) you have the skills (or access to people that do) C) that you're willing to invest your time and money too.

That's just my opinion. I think fan films are great, so good luck!
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