Screen accurate Michael Keaton cowl form The Flash


New Member
I want to make a screen accurate Michael Keaton Batman costume from the recent Flash movie. I am no good at making cowls so I am hoping someone here can recommend the best place I can purchase the cowl. I have looked online and so far been disappointed with what I have found. Thanks in advance for any help with this request.
I want to make a screen accurate Michael Keaton Batman costume from the recent Flash movie. I am no good at making cowls so I am hoping someone here can recommend the best place I can purchase the cowl. I have looked online and so far been disappointed with what I have found. Thanks in advance for any help with this request.
Paul Roberts artsee1 from YouTube.
Tell him James Rowe from Alabama sent you
Here is a link to an old online friend of mine:
Reevz is a member here and an old online buddy of mine since our Brotherhood of the Bat days. He’s the best in the business and is friends with all the real deal movie guys. He’s the nicest guy ever and I can’t stress this enough: REEVZ is the best in the USA.


Is there an updated email address for ReevzFX. When I message today my email bounced back as undeliverable.

