Solo: A Star Wars Story

It took me a while catch up, been out for a few.

So the Falcon doesn't look like the Falcon, Ehrenreich, doesn't seem to portray Solo ( or Ford for that matter). WTH is going on?

I don't want this to be a "which '007 Bond' is better".. or "which Solo is better"? Crapfest.

I also don't want this to be another mashup, of GOTG, DeadPool and Cpt Kirk. Which the trailer looked like it was. I hope there is not a slapstick humor line ever 5 minutes like those movies mentioned.

And I DO take the ROTS Falcon, to be the actual Falcon. If the trailer does portray the actual Falcon, then what happened? Original, then modified, then original again?

Something screwy going on here :confused
New theatrical poster.


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It took me a while catch up, been out for a few.

So the Falcon doesn't look like the Falcon, Ehrenreich, doesn't seem to portray Solo ( or Ford for that matter). WTH is going on?

I don't want this to be a "which '007 Bond' is better".. or "which Solo is better"? Crapfest.

I also don't want this to be another mashup, of GOTG, DeadPool and Cpt Kirk. Which the trailer looked like it was. I hope there is not a slapstick humor line ever 5 minutes like those movies mentioned.

And I DO take the ROTS Falcon, to be the actual Falcon. If the trailer does portray the actual Falcon, then what happened? Original, then modified, then original again?

Something screwy going on here :confused

And why the different Chewie bandolier? Guess you gotta have a constant variety of new toys sitting around on the shelves.
And BTW, McGregor, did an awesome job as younger Obi-wan. Looked like him, and sound like him.

This story is not Young Indiana Jones. That was a series, and failed, badly.

This is the history of of Han, Chewy, Lando and the "Ship of all Ships". In "MOVIE" form.

You absolutely.. positively... have to have, someone and somethings who/that looks... sounds, and feels the parts.

Otherwise you get a Shrek anthology, that looks like a Smurf reunion .
Woody Harrelson....really????


In a new bar scene ( from the bar shown in the trailer ) the camera pans slowly to two is dark and you can only make out their silhouettes but one man says to the other in a strange dialect " hey narmy sam said to tell you vera called and can you pass the peanuts "

I have hopes for the movie but the only thing encouraging from the trailer is Chewy....hoping this isn't another Giant Disney Turd of a Star Wars third rate slap in the face film....
So did everyone in the theater each time I saw the movie— but clearly The Wook has no problem being superior to droves of people who like Star Wars.
So did everyone in the theater each time I saw the movie— but clearly The Wook has no problem being superior to droves of people who like Star Wars.

His entire presence on this forum is entirely predicated on hating any Star Wars product since 1980.
Well, ultimately the point is that the actor can act. And no one had to get acting coaches for the OT crew. But I'm also not talking about Hollywood 1970's, I'm talking Hollywood today.

Replacing an actor in TV happens often because TV is a high volume business and projects can go on for years. Sometimes people have to go live their lives. Goranson went to college. That's how Chalke got cast as Becky 2. Also, giving an actor a new role is different than taking the same role from a different actor.

My point isn't that Han Solo and Indiana are similar to each other. The point is that Ford's affability is present in both characters because Ford is affable.

You talk like Goodfellas was a documentary or something. It was a drama. And you can bet Pesci, Deniro, and the whole cast were juicing up the roles for the cameras.

Laughable at best, but if that is the best armchair acting coach bulls**t you can come up with sure.

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And why the different Chewie bandolier? Guess you gotta have a constant variety of new toys sitting around on the shelves.

With the utter failure that was Forces of Destiny, you would think they would at least try to keep a consistency within the franchise.
Man that guy looks nothing like Han. But he is male and Caucasian, so guess that's close enough, LOL . Could have ended up with a female Han. Like the female Starbuck in NuBSG. Oh well, why do I expect anything from the Mouse anyway.

Katie Sackoff was AWESOME as Starbuck! I put her up there with Linda Hamilton and Sigourney Weaver as the most believable female badasses in TV/Film. In fact, I put her atop that list.

These guys look nothing like each other...

View attachment 794368

...yet, life goes on.

Nobody liked that second Darren.

Everyone in the theater liked the Poe/Hux joke each time I saw the movie.

Once again, calling into the question the taste of the masses.

His entire presence on this forum is entirely predicated on hating any Star Wars product since 1980.

You clearly don't pay attention to my posts. If you did, would know my take on:

* ROTJ - Liked it so-so. Definitely a steep dropoff from the two masterpieces which preceded it. Much of ROTJ was awful, but some of it was great!
* TPM - True, I don't consider the prequels "Star Wars", but I'm not a PT-hater. Loved the pod race, loved Qui Gon, liked OB1 and Sebulba and Watto, absolutely LOVED Darth Maul, and loved The Duel of Fates.
* AOTC - Loved the OB1/Jango fight, liked the OB1/Dex scene. In spite of Hayden's shortcomings, his slaughter of the Tuskens, and subsequent confession to Padme, was powerful stuff. This is the worst of the PT films, but even it is much more interesting than the Disney SW films.
* ROTS - The Emporer's coming out was epic. Too bad it completely overshadowed Anakin's fall to the Dark Side. But Ian was brilliant, nonetheless. The Darth Plagueis opera scene was magnificent.
* TFA - Hated it. BB8 was great. Chewie's reaction to hearing the Dejarik table start up was awesome. Shot of TIEs flying towards us from sunset was breathtaking. But that's it. The rest was pure garbage.
* R1 - Didn't like it. But it had some great stuff, including Vader going berserk at end, all the Tarkin scenes were chilling (as though he was there!), K2S0 was terrific and the only good guy I cared a lick about, stock pilot footage of BOY was fantastic, Mon Mothma looked the part, and the plot line of building the flaw into the Death Star was very creative. But everything else and everyone else stunk.
* TLJ - I haven't posted my review yet on this film, so I won't give specifics here. But I'm sure I've already let my general feelings slip out in some posts already, that the film was an absolute abomination. The worst Star Wars movie ever made.

So get your facts straight, Bryan. Just because I deem the theatrical cuts of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back as the only two *true* Star Wars films, doesn't mean I hate everything that's come since. You just love making generalizations, and throwing that "hate" word around. It's kinda sad, tbh.

The Wook
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The Poe Hux exchange at the begining, like pretty much all of the poorly written *jokes* in TLJ were like .... in a fruit salad , at best. Dont feed the troll Wook, some people just like being shilly.
Katie Sackoff was AWESOME as Starbuck! I put her up there with Linda Hamilton and Sigourney Weaver as the most believable female badasses in TV/Film. In fact, I put her atop that list.

Nobody liked that second Darren.

Once again, calling into the question the taste of the masses.

You clearly don't pay attention to my posts. If you did, would know my take on:

* ROTJ - Liked it so-so. Definitely a steep dropoff from the two masterpieces which preceded it. Much of ROTJ was awful, but some of it was great!
* TPM - True, I don't consider the prequels "Star Wars", but I'm not a PT-hater. Loved the pod race, loved Qui Gon, liked OB1 and Sebulba and Watto, absolutely LOVED Darth Maul, and loved The Duel of Fates.
* AOTC - Loved the OB1/Jango fight, liked the OB1/Dex scene. In spite of Hayden's shortcomings, his slaughter of the Tuskens, and subsequent confession to Padme, was powerful stuff. This is the worst of the PT films, but even it is much more interesting than the Disney SW films.
* ROTS - The Emporer's coming out was epic. Too bad it completely overshadowed Anakin's fall to the Dark Side. But Ian was brilliant, nonetheless. The Darth Plagueis opera scene was magnificent.
* TFA - Hated it. BB8 was great. Chewie's reaction to hearing the Dejarik table start up was awesome. Shot of TIEs flying towards us from sunset was breathtaking. But that's it. The rest was pure garbage.
* R1 - Didn't like it. But it had some great stuff, including Vader going berserk at end, all the Tarkin scenes were chilling (as though he was there!), K2S0 was terrific and the only good guy I cared a lick about, stock pilot footage of BOY was fantastic, Mon Mothma looked the part, and the plot line of building the flaw into the Death Star was very creative. But everything else and everyone else stunk.
* TLJ - I haven't posted my review yet on this film, so I won't give specifics here. But I'm sure I've already let my general feelings slip out in some posts already, that the film was an absolute abomination. The worst Star Wars movie ever made.

So get your facts straight, Bryan. Just because I deem the theatrical cuts of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back as the only two *true* Star Wars films, doesn't mean I hate everything that's come since. You just love making generalizations, and throwing that "hate" word around. It's kinda sad, tbh.

The Wook

It's not like I'm laughing myself to death over it. It was a chuckly moment, about on par with any other Star Wars humor. There's so much more you could take shots at me with, just seemed like low hanging fruit for Mr. SWIQ
Part of why it was cringeworthy to me was because it seemed like 2017 USA cell phone connection humor, not SW. It also just neuters any threatening nature of Hux right in the first 2 minutes of the movie, which is a crime because Gleeson is a great actor. The same First Order who will massacre a whole village or destroy 5 systems with a superweapon, are going to open up a comm channel with a Resistance ace they are chasing?
Part of why it was cringeworthy to me was because it seemed like 2017 USA cell phone connection humor, not SW. It also just neuters any threatening nature of Hux right in the first 2 minutes of the movie, which is a crime because Gleeson is a great actor. The same First Order who will massacre a whole village or destroy 5 systems with a superweapon, are going to open up a comm channel with a Resistance ace they are chasing?

Yeah, it was a total departure from the demeanour of the Hux as established in TFA right there at the start of the movie. Was a heads up for what was to come in the rest of the movie.:facepalm
And why the different Chewie bandolier? Guess you gotta have a constant variety of new toys sitting around on the shelves.

To be fair , the figures that came out ( ones I had collected as a kid ) during the OT , were evolving . Costumes and accessories were changed/ altered for each successive film . ;)
It made sense - children apparently have short attention spans , and need to constantly be distracted by ‘ New , Improved or Different ! ‘ . Heck that applies to most adults too ! :lol
It's not like I'm laughing myself to death over it. It was a chuckly moment, about on par with any other Star Wars humor. There's so much more you could take shots at me with, just seemed like low hanging fruit for Mr. SWIQ

That's true, there *is* so much more. But this was a shocking admission to read--that you thought that gag was funny, was befitting the moment, and befitting a Star Wars movie. You're the very first person I heard comment that they liked that gag.

I'm nonplussed.

The Wook
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