So whats the consensus on the Falcon from the new Solo movie?

Yay, or nay??

I give it a qualified yay. I'm glad they changed her enough that it provides a fun contrast to the hunk of junk we love. Overall, they kept the 5-footer proportions of the saucer, which makes me happy. For me it really depends on where they leave her at the end of the film. Will it be damaged enough to justify the changes we see later? I suspect that it will still have the extra gear boxes on the bottom hull if for no other reason than Lucasfilm needing to keep the option of using the live action set again if the film is a hit and they want to make a sequel.
I suspect that it will still have the extra gear boxes on the bottom hull if for no other reason than Lucasfilm needing to keep the option of using the live action set again if the film is a hit and they want to make a sequel.

That’s really the only problem I have with this Falcon. It would look so much nicer/sleeker with the 3 gear boxes. Not to mention continuity. Although the movie could still address this (doubtful).
I give it a qualified yay. I'm glad they changed her enough that it provides a fun contrast to the hunk of junk we love. Overall, they kept the 5-footer proportions of the saucer, which makes me happy. For me it really depends on where they leave her at the end of the film. Will it be damaged enough to justify the changes we see later? I suspect that it will still have the extra gear boxes on the bottom hull if for no other reason than Lucasfilm needing to keep the option of using the live action set again if the film is a hit and they want to make a sequel.

Agreed. I could even hear some line towards the end of the movie..."Yeah, Chewie...I've got a few changes I want to make, but she's got it where it counts!"
So, if the general consensus is that there is an insert or cargo plug of some kind between the front mandibles, then I can't see it...looks like its all one piece to me.

I see it like this:




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Yeah, you know, on a second look, I came up with the same idea. I guess we'll see!

Nice work!
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It seems very weird to me that they changed it so much, a lot of things they removed or changed look like things that would have had to always be there. And then supposedly it gets modified massively and becomes run down in the short time before episode IV
A couple things. First, I believe the film is set the better part of a decade before the events of ANH, so there is a lot of time for Han and Chewie to have a ton of adventures that beat the Falcon to crap. How did it get so messy on the inside? I can think of a bunch of scenarios -- Rathtars, a toxic cargo spill, alien food fight... lots of stuff. For all we know, Han has an adventure where he temporarily loses the Falcon and finds it stripped and up on blocks outside some chop shop on the bad side of town! Second, I think the filmmakers changed it about the right amount. They couldn't realistically just remove the dents and damage and give it a newer paint job. It had to have some distinctive differences and I think filling the mandible gap is a good choice. Look, it's always jarring when familiar designs get some new doo-dads. I still remember the wails and tears when George put a Rocketeer fin on the top of a stormtrooper helmet. Oh the humanity! But we'll survive this. I've said it before, if the film is good, people will associate the new design with a film they like and most complaints will be moot. If the film sucks... childhood raped, yada-yada. Astroboy, I actually don't see the problem with your car analogy. In fact, I think it makes a good case FOR the changes. If the Falcon starts out all pimped out with extra spoilers and stuff, and then later becomes rusted, dented, and smelling like yesterday's Taco Bell lunch, isn't that appropriate?
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