Solos Blaster's projects build thread( Solo ROTJ DL-44)

Solos blaster

Sr Member
This will be my build thread for my Star Wars projects. I try to take WIP pics but often get preoccupied with the build that I forget. I'll do what I can though. Also, my old laptop died where I had most of them stored. I'm working on fixing it and I'll add them if/when I can.

I apologize in advance for the crappy cell phone pics.

First up will be my Hoth DL-44 but before that, I wanted to show a quick history of sorts with the scopes from this run and from the last run over 10 years ago.

Left to right for comparison they stand: a my real M19, the 2016 BD replica, the 2002/3/4? replica in all group pictures

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The horrible flash picture, I tried to highlight how I painted the inside of the "full circle" version for my Bespin rebuild to match my real M19 on the far left, and on the far right, the solid looking replica from the first ESB run.

Front view(don't mind the boxes in the background lol), showing the lenses...and also that I should've matched the heights of all three scopes better:facepalm.

Rear view

showing that the scope from the orignal run(far right), you could see all the way through, the new one you can make out that it was bored out and the real scope you can see almost nothing :lol.

Funny thing, my real M19 came with the small bolts you see on the far right scope. I switched them around and the scope from the original ESB run one will go on my Doopydoos ESB E-11.


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Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread

My Hoth DL-44 project


Here is just the parts as unpacked. Much anticipation and excitement, I left the "wrong" scope but it was a pic of ALL the parts so is it wrong? lol

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Here it is after the fitting of the flash hider, and sanding of the resin greeblies for the other side. I apologize for the sanding mess on my workbench.

I don't have any other pics of the build but here it is at it sits. I followed a lot of matty matt 's modifications from his build thread here:

A quick rundown:

1. Sharpened up the edges where the receiver meets the barrel.
2. Removed the front "V notch" sight area and flattened/squared it up(and not remove too much height) and removed the bulbous circles where the pin that retains site sits, and clipped that short enough to fit.
3. Reshaped the trigger.
4. Reshaped the top of the hammer sharpened the knurling/cleaned up the mold lines.
5. Sharpened up the lines on the safety.

Also did the regular stuff

1. Flipped the site tab.
2. Shortened the firing pin stub.
3. removed the front site(duh).

Here it is with and without flash.
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It's still a work in progress, it isn't finished yet.
I wanted to blue it vs paint it. I've been using Perma Blue since I couldn't find any Aluminum Black in my area. I want it took look like a "real weapon" but I'm not sure how weathered I want it so I may strip it apart and re blue it a few more times.

Since I'm not sure if it's dark enough, I haven't glued the greeblies on yet but they are painted. I still haven't figured out what to do for the center of the circle on the scope mount, and I'm waiting to see what Boba Debt has in mind for the double knurled hiders although I've got an idea or two.

Here it currently sits while I decide what to do and how to finish it exactly with a set of Vince's ESB resin greeblies and a resin Droid Caller. Both bought off Ebay.

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Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread

Speaking of the Droid Caller...

I don't a pic of it when I first got it, but you can find them pretty easily if you search for them. They come in black resin.

Here it is after I painted it silver, since I'm going with an ESB version. I even managed to paint in the "Kobold" brand name in red(acryllic paint IIRC), with a tooth pick.

There wasn't much to do to it before painting. I drilled out a couple of the holes that are supposed to be there(and did put a small crack in it though it didn't show until I painted it), but that was pretty much it.

Still has the painted masking tape around the top portion lol.

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Painted and pretty much finished.

When I went to remove the top black paint, I actually took the silver off too:angry, and will probably go back and just paint it black again and leave it.

It did come with the clip and screw but IIRC the ESB version doesn't use it so they're in the parts bin.

IMAG0756.jpg but I painted them first :lol
Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread

Bespin DL-44 rebuild.

OK...It was from the 2002/2003ish ESB active project.

After over 10 years, countless moves, and draws, holsters, and even getting dropped a couple of times. It is in much need of some TLC. Much of the paint has chipped off, and it could use some accurizing as well. With the new 2016 ESB Active Project, it seemed like the perfect timing to update it and make it like new.

The grips I updated with some wooden replacements for a real mauser a few years ago. They really fatten out the handle compared the normal Denix ones and I was quite surprised when I first handled the new one when my kit from Boba Debt arrived.


Here it is with my real M19 scope(at the time), in all it's well used..."glory".

IMAG0837.jpg here you can see the new knurled knob that will be replacing the old one.

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An even better view of the old(on the left) and the new, more accurate scope knob(right). MY what a difference a decade and new pics can do :lol.


The bronze pistons from back then fell off(still have them, they're just off camera. Also, need to pop off those old greeblies...Hahaha, a couple screws and washers and some pins(I can't remember what kind), when it was really more model parts....

Not sure what I'm going to do to fill the holes. I haven't really thought too much into it, since I started working on this one recently. I've thought about leaving the holes and just placing the greeblies over them. I know the motor/coil box will be fine, not sure about the other two..distributer parts(can't remember the name). These are the actual parts not the cut up ones.

I've got it mostly stripped down to the metal and I've already started the mods on the barrel/upper receiver: sharpening the edges, remove the ugly circle on the one side where the rear site retaining pin goes. Strange, one side it sticks out(gone now), and the opposite side it looks stamped in. I'll take pics and show more progress in my next update post.
Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread

very nice build! on the hoth one mind sharing the blueing technique? im actually very afraid of doing this and screwing it up. but i want to achieve the same, real world gun look. any advice on how to apply it and applying it with what tools? i love the way yours came out
Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread

The bluing process is not an easy one. After it was sanded I rinsed off all the parts to make sure there were no metal shavings and then went by the instructions on the container of perma blue.

Now, the pot metal used for most Denixes is notoriously horrible for bluing so you really have to want to do it :lol.

It states to swab the area, sit for 60 seconds and then rinse off, lightly buff with fine steel wool(I used 0000), then repeat. I feel like I was buffing off more bluing than it was retaining after more than a few steps.

The method I found that worked was I coat the part with perma blue, let it dry completely, go another 2-3 layers before lightly buffing after completely dry. Then keep going until it's your preferred shade of bluing. Buffing does give a more weathered appearance, I noticed. I was actually trying to go for a deeper blue...

I'm about halfway done with my Bespin blaster. I need to finish the mods to the trigger, hammer and tackle a few crevices that still have the old paint job in them. I will do a better job documenting this bluing process this time around.

Other builds to show:
Vader ANH
ESB E-11

More to follow!
Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread

Wow, been a month since my last update...ugh, I need to get a move on before I pack everything up :lol.

Bluing the denix:

Swab it down real good with the super blue and let it dry completely.

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Buff and repeat,

until dark enough. This is a test fit of everything after I felt it was dark enough. It actually turned out better(darker) than my Hoth blaster. So much so, that I'm tempted to redo(a couple more washes of bluing), the Hoth.


A mix of flash and no flash pics. I'm not happy with not being able to do a good enough job of covering up the holes from the previous greeblies. I was going to go with a completely "clean" left side. It looked horrible though and still doesn't look that good up close since you can see the holes through the retainer parts. I'm not really bothered by holes seen through the motor/coil part. I may leave off the pistons or will for the time being. I like to tell myself that they probably would've fallen off the live fire version first:p.
I cleaned up the muzzle quite a bit to better match the right side weathering in these shots:
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And here they are next too each other for comparison. The Hoth still needs some more weathering on the circle and the muzzle needs to be done. I know the grips are wrong on the Bespin, needs the 28 cut(IIRC), like the Hoth has, but I like them on there until I do find some correct ones.

Also went back and glued on the greeblies...ugh, got some E6000 squeezing out that I need to clean up.
Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread

Continued, because you can only post 24 pictures a thread :lol.

And here they are on the shelf, both on TShobbies stands. The one on the left is from his original version/run and the second I ordered a couple of weeks ago and wow, it is a tank compared to the first one. Well done! It's only slightly thicker but it makes a world of difference. Highly recommend! Also, ordered one for my E-11 on the shelf above. Now to get to work on that and hope there's still a few warm enough days ahead to paint.


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Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread

First off, RIP to Carrie Fisher :cry. Forever Princess Leia.

I didn't really think it would affect me too much until last night when I began my ANH Luke after my RE replica arrived. I thought I'd pop in ANH and or listen to a playlist of SW music while I built it. The first time "Leia's theme" came up it pulled at the heart strings. When Han and Leia's theme came up, I honestly got a little choked up. The impressions some people can leave imprinted on you, fictional character or not. I always was a believer that Leia was more Carrie than fiction and seeing her wit, intelligence, and humor later on showed me I was right. I admit, I didn't really follow her movie career post Jedi(including Blues Brothers *ducks*), but now I'm going to go back and watch them.

Anyways, just a little post of it's own before getting back to my builds.
Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread

ESB E-11.

Ok, lots of pics and progress on this monster that has been ongoing since spring/summer of 2015....and today.

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Here it is after it and the upgrade kit arrived from a membe on the FISD board. The upgrade kit includes pretty much all the correct metal screws, springs and stuff that one would spend scouring the hardware store for hours looking for. It is meant to help accurize the sterling and make it more like the real deal. Also, to help give it some weight. This will be a display only piece for now, but if I ever go full TK or SnowTK(my dream), I will probably just get a rubber one for trooping.

It is a Doopydoos resin kit. Now, these bad boys are "good enough" to slap 'em together with glue, hit them with some paint and call her good, but who...who really does that? Seriously...I want to know if anyone has.

OK, off to work we go.


Kind of a reverse series, but here I started drilling out the barrel vents on the main tube. Just started with the smallest drill bit and worked my way until they were cleared out and then sanded smooth with a dremel.

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All done.


This is the bolt that will be replacing the resin one molded into the pistol grip. Once again, I just drilled it out using small bits and moving up until all of the resin "bolt" was gone and then drilled deep enough for the metal one.

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Now, drilling out the bolts on the barrel face. Same as before, but this time being careful not to destroy the barrel or the inner plastic tube used for support. Last pic is a test fit. Didn't need to worry about the length of the threads, cut them off once it was wide enough.

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Drilling out the stock. Originally, I was going to get a real Sterling stock to add to it but I just never got around to buying one(not that expensive), and just started working on it to gain some progress.


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Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread(E-11, Luke and Vader ANH updates)

Let's make a working trigger!
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I took the trigger, found where I wanted to have the spring run through to the pistol grip in the existing slot where you would normally just glue/epoxy the trigger, outlined it so I could have the trigger hinge *cough* sacrificial metal clothes hanger*, drilled both holes and test fit.


PEW PEW PEW!!! (thumb is holding the spring in because I drilled through the top:facepalm. It will be fine as the back pressure from the main barrel tube will keep it in place.


Here is the safety lever that, yep received it's share of the sacrificial clothes hanger so it can be a working safety. This will be fit mostly by friction so it can still move. Some people have used stereo switches so they get a positive "click" for the 3 positions on the lever....well I'm not that talented :lol...actually I was just afraid of not doing a good enough job of shaping miliputty or the "green stuff" to make it look good. So this works just fine for me lol.

One day, I'll do a demilled Sterling day.

More to follow but I have to upload pics from my phone.
Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread(E-11, Luke and Vader ANH updates)

Vader ANH Lightsaber.

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This was a Heiland conversion I bought off of Ebay in...2013? I believe it was also from a former member(Darth Goat), as I recognized the username when I bought it...and why I bought it. It was a Blast-tech kit, I think judging and comparing the six grips to the grips on my ESB Luke, also a Blast-tech kit.

Originally, I was going to upgrade and change it to a Vader ESB, but a few months later I bought an MR ESB Vader a few months later, so I figured I would upgrade this to a proper ANH. I bought some FX Vader saber parts and went to work.


The saber and the FX parts. I bought a clamp, the bulb release(IIRC that's what it's called), and the wires(ESB version).


Conversion compared to the ESB MR and lining up the FX bulb release on the conversion(bottom)
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The original bulb release after I removed it and a closer inspection of the FX bulb release next to the MR.


A tale of two clamps.

The clamp on the left is the FX clamp and the one on the right is the original.

Originally the plan was I needed to make room on the side bars for the two nuts/bolt combos on the FX clamp. I with all futility attempted this with a drill and then with a dremel to no avail. Finally it dawned on me that I could hold them with friction instead of destroying the side bars because the bar that threads them is THREADED :facepalm .

I can't find the pictures but I had to drill two holes for the new bulb release and I glued the silver big portion in. I'll have to take a few new pics of the Saber because I don't have those either. It isn't complete yet though. I still need to change out the grips for 7 but it will wait until next year, as I'm packing them up. I will take a couple of more close up shots and get them up as is.
Re: Solos Blaster's projects build thread(E-11, Luke and Vader ANH updates)

ANH Luke. This is my Roman Empire replica that arrived last night. I'm leaving soon but I was definitely going to build this before I left. I used Roy's ANH kit.

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Grips cut, angled, epoxied into place. I do realize that one was cut 2mm shorter than the rest. It was my first one cut and I had looked at the ESB grip measurement :facepalm. I'll replace it when I can but for now, I guess Obi-Wan did it...

After searching a few other threads I also created a template to use for the angle.

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All complete and compared to my ESB "real flex"

ANH saber display.

Now to box them all up.


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Alright! First off it's great to be home, even though "home" has changed since I was last home. Nice to see all the new projects going on that I've missed(RE graflex ver 2, AS Luke ver2 put 4? :lol
I'm looking forward to seeing new projects getting done and I have my own to build and finish(I still need to finish my ESB E-11).

Anyways, gonna start off the new year and new home with my ROTJ DL-44 from @Boba Debt.

Here's my kit from BD, let's check it out before we start. In particular, I love the little birdie drawn on the top of the box, anyone else get that on theirs :lol?


Parts all all laid out and MAN, do these parts look great! My hat off to @Boba Debt for another fantastic blaster kit. I'm so glad I got in on the run and this may even replace the ESB as my favorite Han blaster after it is complete. Something I never thought possible.


And here it it is all disassembled and ready to start modifying/accurizing the denix.

First up, the rear site so stay tuned;).


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