StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt) FINISHED - Now with a ton of pics.

Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Detailing looks cool to me.
Looking forward to see the result of 4 days off.:rolleyes

Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Got the wings dry fit in. I'm so glad that they came out balanced. I was afraid one might be crooked or something.





Off to the store tomorrow to get more styrene sheets.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Hobby shop didn't have any 1mm sheets I needed, so had to order it offline. So I had to pay the extra for shipping and have to wait probably 3 days.
But thankfully I should have enough smaller pieces left to still work on some stuff.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Been working on what I could.
Trying to get the parts at the end of the wings done. Been having a hard time figuring it all out. After lining it all up, measuring it over and over, parts are still a bit crooked. I'll have to see if I can balance it out and make it work.




Heres the idea of how it will look. Hopefully I can cover some of the parts that look off a bit.



I also made these parts on the wings by the body itself. Was going to put an end on it, but like it better with the open hole for more detail to be added.

Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Trying to figure out the ends to these wings have been just about the death of me...
For the most part, I have got it.
The left one turned out better while the right is still a bit crooked, and I can't seem to figure out completely why. Thankfully this part will mostly be covered up by another part anyways.

Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

It's look great.

I have the whole week off for Thanksgiving, which paycheck wise will hurt, but build time will be great. I hope to get lots done. My styrene sheets came in the other day, so glad about that too.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Got a bit done, but not too much.
Mainly the annoying part of making the little prong parts 3D, basically.


Getting the neck part done.


The reason I didn't get more done, is because my fiance wanted to put a puzzle together. I found this one we bought last year and never did it. I liked it so much, not only did we get it done in a day, at a 1000 pieces, I went and bought a frame and hung it.


I want to take down the toy sabers and am thinking of painting R2 and 3PO. But, that will be sometime later.

Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Heres the neck part now done. Ended up different, but better than I visioned it.


I then started on the 6 little parts that stick out of the neck. These I basically copied how they look from in game. Very tedious to cut out all these parts.


I wanted to see how it looks.



Still have SO much more detail to go. Can't wait to get the head started.

Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Got the head started. Was going to stop there, but kept going anyways tonight.


Got the bottom part done, as well as the very front. Drilled in the hole for the main gun.


Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

That's a real hard work. Looking for updates.

So I haven't gotten as much done as I would like, mainly because that unfair thing called, Life, gets in the way.
But, heres what I have done for now.

First, I felt the head part was too thick, so I shortened the pieces. Then I made this box part for the bottom half for detail to be added later.

I also got these fishing weights to add in the head so it can balance a bit better. The tail end is quite heavy.


Heres the very front of the ship. Big hole is the Yamato cannon, 2 smaller ones are the main lasers. When drilling the holes, I kinda messed up because the drill bit was just a bit smaller then needed. So I made new and better separate holes on different spare pieces I had. Once those holes where perfect, I then traced the end up my ruler with the curved edge.


Once I saw it was all good, started gluing it together.....until I realized tonight that I had totally forgotten about the round fan like part. I had to cut a bit off from it, but made it fit in the end. Had a hard time getting a good straight on shot, still didn't didn't get it perfect.

So heres also an angled pic.

Hoping tomorrow I can get the hard put together, but that life thing might get in the way again.
Re: StarCraft BattleCruiser (Scratchbuilt)

Got the head put together.
Heres where I was still getting it together.


Here its balancing on the top.


Still test fitting and looking good.


And glued together nicely. I've started building a frame for the inside for strength...but I've now run out of styrene again. Sure hope the hobby shop has some this time.

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