Styrene Pepakura Skyrim Dragon Priest Mask


Active Member
I was recently asked by a friend to make a Dragon Priest mask for her son for a local Con. I only had about a month from start to finish. Mostly made out of 1mm styrene sheet and painted with Rust-oleum Hammered Copper. For the amount of time I put into iti'm quite happy with the result.

For a mini tutorial on how I use styrene for pep you can check out this post :

For some of my Star Wars helmet peps check out this thread :

Dragon Priest Mask 004.jpgDragon Priest Mask 001.jpgDragon Priest Mask 003.jpg

Dragon Priest Mask 011.jpgDragon Priest Mask 006.jpgDragon Priest Mask 007.jpgDragon Priest Mask 008.jpgDragon Priest Mask 009.jpgDragon Priest Mask 010.jpg

Primed with Rust-oleum grey Primer.
Dragon Priest Mask 014.jpgDragon Priest Mask 013.jpgDragon Priest Mask 015.jpg

Finished mask.
Dragon Priest Mask 019.jpgDragon Priest Mask 021.jpgDragon Priest Mask 018.jpgDragon Priest Mask 017.jpg


  • Dragon Priest Mask 016.jpg
    Dragon Priest Mask 016.jpg
    1.6 MB · Views: 657
Very cool! First time I've seen someone replicating one of the Dragon Priest's masks, would love to give one a go at some point.
Very nice. Don't remember seeing anyone do pep with styrene before.

I'm actually surprised that there aren't more people doing styrene peps. Some Pepakura models seem ideal for it. Also a nice alternative if you want to skip the resin & bondo method.
Looks lovely. Are those compound curves composed of lots of thin strips of styrene then smoothed over with a filler/putty? I read your tutorial which was very interesting, but still a little unclear on that part.
Looks lovely. Are those compound curves composed of lots of thin strips of styrene then smoothed over with a filler/putty? I read your tutorial which was very interesting, but still a little unclear on that part.

The compound curves are basically just a couple layers of 1mm styrene (2 layers of 1mm styrene as I can recall) and then sanded smooth. No filler was used except for modelling putty to fill the gaps between the strips.
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