How I Attached My Shoes To Spidey Suit


Well-Known Member
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I know this isn't a new concept by any means but this was my first venture into the Spider-man world and figured I'd share how I attached shoe soles to the bottom of my Spider-man suit.

What you'll need:
  • Suit
  • Some type of footwear to attach. I chose to use aqua shoes from Wal-mart ($10)
  • Sharp scissors or exacto knife
  • Marker/chalk pen
  • Contact cement
  • Paper towel (in case of contact cement drip)
  • Saran wrap (optional)
  • Assistant (optional)

How long does it take? Give yourself about 2 hours

Step 1: Cut off any excess fabric so you've only got the rubber sole portion of whatever shoes you're using. Remove whatever insole they have in there.


Step 2: Place whatever insoles were in the shoes in side the suit; this will create a sandwich effect between any cement that leeches through the suit and stick to that instead of your foot. Get your suit on, place your foot in the shoe sole and trace/mark the outline of the sole edge.


Step 3: Brush the contact cement onto your foot (try to stay inside the lines) and onto the inside of the shoe soles. This is where a helper is handy so you don't have to become a pretzel to see the bottom of your foot. Wait the instructed time by contact cement packaging (usually at least 20-30 minutes or until it doesn't stick to a piece of paper).


Step 4: As Anakin said, now you'll want to carefully put your foot into your shoe lining up your marks; might be easier front to back or vice versa depending on your shoe. I wrapped my foot with the saran wrap just to help put some pressure on it while I did the next foot.
You might have to repeat this to fill in any gaps you might have missed like I did in the video here:

Step 5: Repeat steps for your other foot.

I hope this helps someone. Happy thwipin'!



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