Alien 3 Destroyed Bishop Artificial Person

wasn't the original animatronic? i coulda swore he blinked and had moving lips :confused

There are three versions that I know of. The one I own was a static figure revealed briefly when the Superintendent is uploading info on the computer.

You may have seen this already, but if not: ALIEN 3 Creating Bishop. That's your Bishop they're making! You can tell because that's the only one where his eyes are closed. Also, the dent in the nose is different, etc.
There's a different Bishop they're working on at the end of the video.
You may have seen this already, but if not: ALIEN 3 Creating Bishop. That's your Bishop they're making! You can tell because that's the only one where his eyes are closed. Also, the dent in the nose is different, etc.
There's a different Bishop they're working on at the end of the video.

I think that last one was for the animatronic version. They reshot the scene in LA after they shut down production in England. Fincher supposably didn't like how it came out. I think that's why they only used close shots. Some people thought it was actually Lance Henricksen. The way they shot it I can see why.
IMG_6971.JPGHad Bishop 3D scanned. Came out pretty good. Though the poly count is pretty high which makes for an extremely detailed figure but a very large file. Getting him 3D printed at just six inches costs well over $1000.00. Can lower the poly count on the mesh without removing detail, supposably, but don't presently have the software to do so.
Have a very small 3D printed figure coming from Shapeway in the mail right now. Should arrive today or Tuesday. Had to lower the poly count considerably. Shrink the file size in order for Shapeway to accept it. Have to see how it turns out. Will post pics. Though it is really small. Around two and a quarter inches. $25. Just for that. They wanted $210. For a six inch version.
3D Print not too good. The layers are more than noticeable. It's possible that can be corrected by the angel in which it is printed, but that would mean supports which I was trying to avoid. Glad I didn't go for the six inch version at $210. I have the original which I couldn't be happier about. Maybe someday 3D printing will advance to a stage where it will be possible. Clearly not there yet. I'll stick with my custom I made a number of years ago. IMG_7200.JPGIMG_7225.JPGIMG_7220.JPGIMG_7218.JPGIMG_7213.JPGIMG_7204.JPGIMG_7203.JPGIMG_7202.JPGIMG_7201.JPGIMG_7226.JPG


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That print looks pretty rough with the visible layers, a resin printer should be able to print that on small/same scale without any layers visible.
try to find someone with a Form2 resin printer on 3DHubs ?

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