TIE Bomber Scratchbuild

Thanks for the comments guys. I appreciate it! I feel like forwarding this thread to my Patton-loving brother so he can see Hunk a Junk's comment.

Just for you Ged: I checked the wife's coin collection from places we've been and sure enough - Australian currency. I put a Canadian quarter in there out of patriotism, but couldn't find a Euro. I'm home from work sick today, and this has been my high point.

I checked the wife's coin collection from places we've been and sure enough - Australian currency. I put a Canadian quarter in there out of patriotism, but couldn't find a Euro.

What about a picture with real money? :rolleyes

Kidding. :p

As any modeler knows, the only legitimate currency for photographs is a Pepsi can.
O.K................. Sorry..........Distracted....just putting / pulling jaw back into place after it dropped to the floor !

You know , Bandai is receiving ( much deserved ) praise for the details found in/on their Star Wars kits - they have computers / machinery / dies etc , etc...albeit for mass production .
I can't believe you're doing all this by hand . You Are a Master Craftsman sir . Thank you .

Ged .

p.s hope you're feeling better soon :)
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Wow Ged, I don't know what to say. Thanks for the praise, I appreciate it.

I'm having fun with this project and though it's time consuming, it isn't really all that difficult - it's just a matter of planning things out and taking my time.


Small update to the above parts - the longer sections are now cut apart and detailing on them started. There is a small detail on the upper one that is absent from the lower one that I tried to document the creation of here. The whole detail is approx. 2 mm x 2.5 mm. I don't know why I bother - I can't look at my own models without glasses nowadays, but I like knowing the parts are all there.

Hopefully the pictures will make sense and not be too tedious.

I'll be away on vacation for a week, so it will get quiet, but no doubt I'll come back extra energized.



" I don't know why I bother - .......... , but I like knowing the parts are all there " . - K

Don't know you from a bar of soap mate ( wouldn't mind chewing the fat with you over a cold one though ) , but I do know THAT feeling ! . I'm pretty sure those admiring this build , do too as well .
Glad to see you're feeling better ? Gotta be to perform that level of insane , intricate , work :p!! Have a good break :thumbsup

Keiko, ditto Ged's comments! That beautiful little detail is exquisite.
I expect you have plenty of company in the 'crazy modeling asylum'. Hey, move over!

Regards, Robert

"Whoa! Calm down, Spartacus!" - Pointy-haired Boss via Scott Adams/ Dilbert
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Hi guys,

Back from vacation now and yes, feeling much better. I worked a bit in the evenings each night this week on the front detail of the mid spar. I started off taking lots of photos, and then I got lost in the zone and forgot to take a few. It's like a home renovation show when they break for an ad and come back afterwards to show the whole kitchen done. Anyway, more tiny bits. The mid spar part is almost an entire kit's worth of scratchbuilding on its own.

I have to admit, I'm not fully 100% happy with one detail here, but I can only really tell it's crooked on my monitor at many times life sized. Hopefully the paint and so on when I actually build this to a finished model won't make it too obvious.



Welcome back mate , ...... As much as I love your work , I'm considering unsubscribing .
My brain ( what remains of it ) is hurting too much / being damaged , after my staring eyes relay the images of your ' updates ' shown onscreen . Apart from it ( my brain ) trying to comprehend this is all hand - cut / shaped ' stuff ' , it's also trying to figure out ' how ' a person who isn't a surgeon of some sort (?) , has the wherewithal to manipulate such teeny/weenie pieces into ' just - so ' positions !? ....... see , it's starting already - can't believe I typed ' teeny/weenie ' !

Ged. :eek:confused;)
Oh dear, I was hoping people would be encouraged, not the other way around!

Nope, not a surgeon. (I'm an engineer actually.) The small parts are a challenge for sure, but I always try to plan to work on bigger base plates etc. so that I can handle what I'm making. It's only at the end when I cut a completed small part from the thin sheet I'm creating it on that there is any chance of it getting lost or being hard to handle. I don't know if I mentioned using a knife to pick up small parts, but it works very well and doesn't leave a scar when done. Here's an older pic of my FM Y wing build to show what I mean. It's really not so bad, and the liquid cement gives time for fine tuning of position.

25_April 22_2.JPG

Of course, with Shapeways and the like making great 3d parts, I wonder if my efforts are foolish. As they say though, "time you enjoyed wasting wasn't wasted".


LOL!!! , yes your work is certainly encouraging mate . It's also happens to be pretty bloody scary ! ( intimidating - wise ) . Thanks for the ' pic ' above .
It illustrates my point ; that ' scratch built ' fuselage section for the y - wing , looks just as detailed , complex and intricate as the one found on the ' Moulded ' kit !?

Again , and certainly not for the last time ' WOW ' !!! :p

Cheers Ged. :facepalm

p.s., your efforts are so far from foolish , they are in Fact ... Fantastic !
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Way back about 10 years ago, I was so tired of not having a 1/72 Y wing that I started scratchbuilding one. When I was about 75% done, Finemolds came out with their kit and I shelved the project. Even though I spent quite a few hours on it, I don't see it as time wasted because it was on that project that I really started to master various techniques and to demystify for myself the whole scratchbuilding process. So, no regrets!

I've been puttering away on the remaining mid spar details as usual. A lot of the time required is me waiting for the glue of various intermediate steps to fully cure so that the components can be handled. Generally, I study my references and make myself some scale sketches to work from. I have a good stash of styrene products and try to do the math on what thicknesses and cross sections of materials I can use to create the final shapes I need.

Anyway, more photos of tiny things that don't quite add up to finished parts yet, but maybe some bomber fans will see where I'm going...



Last update of the weekend. Can you tell it rained all day today? Just for Ged, another money shot. Just for Hunk a Junk, an American quarter was found.

I'm pretty much done the building of parts for the mid spar. There are a few small bits I'll add during the final assembly stage since they're fragile, but otherwise, all the parts are made now. Though I'm happy with how it's come out, I'm also glad to be moving on to another part of the ship!



Hello everyone.

I'm back after a couple of weekends away. The weekend of October 8 was a cool weather camping trip to the Rockies. We did some hiking and mountain scrambles, my first. The worst part was getting out of bed in the morning.

Oct 8 2.jpgOct 8 3.jpgOct 8.jpg

Back at home, I got working a bit on the bomb chute. As with the rest of the build, it's the same type of thing - scale drawings from references and then careful building of layers and detail.



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