Toys Of Our Youth

Both of my close friends and me took Tae Kwon Do since we were little so we always had arguments about Storm Shadow and Snakeyes. :lol It usually resulted in "There's no way you'd get back up after getting hit with a side kick!" "Nuh uh he ducked it!"
Same here. I had a lot of vehicles, but neither of those. It was too expensive so I couldn't get it. A neighbor kid, who was that kid who got all the cool expensive toys, had one. He sold it at a garage sale and my friend got it for next to nothing. We spent an afternoon trying to figure out how to put it together. It was pretty cool though. We ran into a problem because I cut the wheels off my GI JOE F-14 (Striker? What was it called?) because I wanted the wings to move like a real F-14 and not just swing open when the gear was down. :lol

The biggest vehicle I had was the Rolling Thunder. It caused arguments because I said the missiles were nukes and my friend always lost the battle.

The Sky Striker. That always bugged me too about it, but the ejection seat with parachute was what sold me on it lol.

I always had the smallest Joe force among my friends, certainly more figures than vehicles. My buddy who had the most was more than willing to share though. I think the Tomahawk was my favorite vehicle that I never owned and always chose his when we played if I got first pick.
I think I lost or destroyed the parachute(s?) for it fairly quickly. I did have the Tomahawk and I seem to remember asking for it because it had the rope on the underside.
Yea. Once again, it was something my friend had and I didn't. I remember the first time playing with the parachutes and thinking they should float to the ground slower lol.
Anybody remember Tog'ls and Tupperware toys? This crap was amazing!!
Tog'ls and Tupperware Toys.jpg
I had the slime from the He-man slime pit, just a can of the slime, nothing else. I must have bought that in 1986 or 87 and it stayed in perfect shape till I finally got rid of it in 1993 or 94. The thing I remember about it most is the smell, just thinking about it I can almost smell it!
I grew up in the late 50's and 60's. I had Marx Great Garloo, and the amazing Marx Bulldozer. I had Girder & Panel building and turnpike set. Erector set, American Flyer trains (S Gauge) and of course Buddy L trucks, Tonka bulldozer w/backhoe, a Marx Street cleaner that you put water in and pumped up. I had the early Marx-o-Copter, and later the Verti-Bird. I had a Chemistry set too! I remember getting a Spider Bike for Christmas one year. I had a Motorific Rolls Royce and pretended Amos Burke was in the back. My folks wouldn't buy me any "Hobby" stuff, I had to pay for it from saving my allowance. Did model rockets, Weird-Oh's, and Science fiction models (Seaview, Flying Sub, Spindrift, Invaders saucer, Lost in Space Robot etc). I also did magic, starting with a My Favorite Martian Magic Set!
32 years later and now my son gets to enjoy it, it's like watching myself circa 1985............

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I remember seeing the USS flagg here in the UK in a toy store called Toy + Hobby.
It wasn't for sale in the UK and was only on display in the store as you could win by entering a competition. You had to design a G.I. Joe vehicle of some sort.... I say G.I. Joe, but it was called Action Force over here.
I wanted the USS Flagg really badly, so i did some detailed drawings of an attack boat and an armed microlight and sent them off. I thought the microlight design i come up with was really cool, but i didn't win or hear anything back.
The only thing more cruel than seeing it in the store and no being able to get it, is seeing it and only being able to win it! I was 6 in 83 when GI JOES came out, and I had already been to the USAF museum here many times, so I knew about RATO pods so my jets took off using those. :lol
I still have my 12in Joe, I must have received it when I was 3 or 4 y.o. I don't have much of his gear left, and he's got a bald spot where I chewed his hair off. :( My parents once owned a Western Auto back then and they probably got it from there. Strange that an auto parts store carried toys, but I also seem to remember hardware stores carrying toys, so maybe not so strange.

I remember I had a blue "submarine" thing....more like a sled or "boogie board" kind of thing, and a shark, treasure chest and there was an orange rubber dive suit he could wear. All awesome stuff, too bad most of it didn't survive.
Really? No one had any of these? :)

Incredible Edibles:

SSP Racers (with Zip Cord)


Major Matt Mason (My favourite, growing up!):

Zeroids (Came in a container with a clear front; flip it open, push the button in the back, and they zipped out):
my favourite toys in my youth, besides Kenner Star Wars figures were the BraveStarr figures, the vintage space Lego series when there were just the red and white astronauts and loads of Hot Wheels and Army Men which were contniuesly lost in the sandbox :) :) ..... or shot with my uncles airgun ;)
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