Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront--OFFICIALLY COMPLETE W/ PICS

Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl

More pouches; both are as I received in the mail, no weathering added.
Should I add some more weathering? I'm on the fence.
Just stuffed some styrofoam in the canteen pouch to give it some shape.

The Greek mag pouch in all its glory:

Also a little work on the barrel, thank you again Psicorp7
Im thinking I may go back fill in the gap between the pvc and muzzle. plus more weathering
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Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

Well, as good as this ones going to get; so ready to be done with this shirt, hahah

here we go:

And the back shoulder detail:

Just need to hem the bottom seams, iron on the sleeve decal, wash, and weather. Then that'll be it for the shirt :thumbsup
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

Today's progress-

boots with gaiters and pouch things:

updated blaster with a little weathering:

And as some may have seen, I de-modded my mag pouch:

I'll have a little bit of a brake after tomorrow, with my fingers crossed to work on the vest this weekend.
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

A few updates after a little brake.

the PLCE pin belt showed up after a little of a wait. Immediately got to weathering so I wasn't able to take before pics. Basically it looked new.
here it is with all the pouches, buckle and all weathered up:

I'm a slim and tall dude so you're forewarned, hahah here's the belt on me w/o the shirt:

Ill be finishing the shirt and blaster ( been lazy and slowly weathering) today and I'll have pics up tonight and tomorrow of both finished pieces.

My left side:
My right side:

I also made so mock sci-fi-ish grenades with junk I had just to give my pouches some dimension:
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

Well, my 'light colors' iron-on transfers suck.

The 'dark color' ones worked perfect:
I like the overall outcome of the design but that's not what I'm looking for. All those white specs are from the 'light color' transfer paper.

So I'm just going draw it by hand and sew on. Some of the troop display photos actually look more like a patch than a transferred iron image(like what I originally thought and planned todo.)
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

The blaster is looking great! I dig the sewn on patch idea. It will give it more depth and then you can weather around the edges too.

Keep it up, I am looking forward to see it all together!
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

Hey, hey, thanks bud.

yea, just need to weather the shirt and pants more. Then I'll move on to the vest which is the last major sewing peice.

Lastly I think I'm going to grab Krennic's blaster. My left leg is bare and good ol' Orson was a lefty.

So I'm thinking of doing a custom drop-leg holster for it to keep that military/tactical feel. I feel like it'll help balance the look.
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

Hey, hey, thanks bud.

yea, just need to weather the shirt and pants more. Then I'll move on to the vest which is the last major sewing peice.

Lastly I think I'm going to grab Krennic's blaster. My left leg is bare and good ol' Orson was a lefty.

So I'm thinking of doing a custom drop-leg holster for it to keep that military/tactical feel. I feel like it'll help balance the look.

Interesting idea, using a Krennic style blaster in a Solo type belt rig. Maybe paint it similar to the rifle instead of the flashy chrome and wood Krennic favors?
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

Ohh! I like the Han rig idea, didn't even think of that.

I'm going to go ahead and stick with the same color scheme(maybe I like you're idea too) and just dirty/weather it so it'll look right Krennic's is just too clean, haha
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

A bit of late night doodling tonight.

I drew out the pattern, design and the location of the holster. Ideally I'd like it to sit under the mag pouch on my left thigh.
Kept the Krennic holster design with Han like straps to attach to the belt with 1" straps and hook snaps. Then I'll have one or two 2" leg straps with regular snap clips.
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

Not too much of a sewing fan, gotta admit. But here's today's progress:

Not much but almost there. Still need the straps on the shoulder, loops for the belt, and the long tab in front

Another little break after today; waiting on the webbing and tri-glides to come in. Then finally I can piece it all together:thumbsup
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

Here's a little preview of my Krennic blaster:
Only painted pieces are the black parts.

tomorrow I'll hopefully finish both blaster and the entire costume*

*still need to weather the vest.
Re: Rogue One Private Kappehl/BattleFront

Blaster w/ holster:

Vest is a little off here and there but it came out better than I was expecting, haha


just re-working my boot gaiters the I'll be done.
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