All-New Wolverine *COMPLETE*

All-New Wolverine *WIP*

Another update before I go to bed: I tried on the sub dye suit after we cut off the head section, it fits but there was a couple of times my skin got nipped while zipping the suit up, need to figure this out coz it hurt! And then for some reason the zipper at the front of the suit, it will need to be covered by the belt. Other than that we are one step closer now knowing the suit fits :)


For the price of the suit and how quickly I got it I'm actually pretty happy how it turned out, I paid $170aud for it, which is about $120usd

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Re: All-New Wolverine *WIP*

Looks great. Can't wait to see it finish. :cool You just insiper me to make my very own Wolverine costum. After Batsuit, I think I'll start.
Re: All-New Wolverine *WIP*

It's looking really good. I think the mask you have is coming along really well, I wouldn't start over! The dye sub suite looks great too!
Re: All-New Wolverine *WIP*

It's looking really good. I think the mask you have is coming along really well, I wouldn't start over! The dye sub suite looks great too!

Thanks heaps for the feedback!
I think I'm gonna stick with the cowl too, just gotta keep sanding and stop picking on every little detail I think looks off

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Re: All-New Wolverine *WIP*

Quick question for anyone who is listening in, how will I match the paint to my suit for the cowl? I'm guessing it's just gonna be eyeballing it and trial and error?

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Re: All-New Wolverine *WIP*

Quick question for anyone who is listening in, how will I match the paint to my suit for the cowl? I'm guessing it's just gonna be eyeballing it and trial and error?

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That's the only way i know. But after some airbrush shadowing and black wash, we can't know the difference, I think.
Re: All-New Wolverine *WIP*

That's the only way i know. But after some airbrush shadowing and black wash, we can't know the difference, I think.

Don't have an airbrush so will be painting by hand! Guess it will be trial and error as the be never done this before

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Re: All-New Wolverine *WIP*

That cowl looks great!
What brand of filler are you using?
Also, for the airbrush you could use Sean Xieng idea of attaching a sharpie to a can of compressed air like in this video at 03:33

Thank you very much :)
I am using Selleys small dents and cracks filler, I must admit though I would've preferred to of used a more flexible filler for this cowl but yeah I'm not really sure what to use that will work!

Cheers for the vid, will definitely check it out when I get home :)

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Re: All-New Wolverine *WIP*

Small update:
Weather has been terrible here in Melbourne which means I can't really do anything. Its been raining but it's terribly humid also, we had 100% humidity on Monday! As it has been raining I've tried to get my 3d printer running, but the weather is definitely making that very hard to do. I have tried to print out some claws which were provided to me from a very kind RPF user harmfulAdam check out his page on FB Unfortunately though, the tips of the claws just aren't coming out right every time I've tried to print them...has anyone printed wolverine claws before and have any tips for printing these??

To give myself a break from the claws I began printing the top section of the X belt buckle and finished it last night, tonight I hope to finish the bottom of the belt buckle if the weather lets me!
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Re: All-New Wolverine *WIP*

for the claws, measure your forearms and hands. make some to of cardboard and see if you can make them out of wood or aluminum. Don't make metal ones too pointy, or they won't be allowed in conventions. Here is a template I used, I did not create, but these are for 3 claw setups.Claws Cropped.jpg
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