Sandbagger's Iron-Man builds - Now in STEEL

My friend Dar is building an amplifier for Iron Mans hearing aid.


WOOHOO!! Powerful LEDs for Iron Man's repulsors have arrived!


600 lumen COB LED ring ground down in diameter to fit. They said it was 40mm across. I needed 30. It ended up being 43mm in diameter so I had to grind a fair bit off. Lucky the LED's are in a bit.


Powered up!

Nice Fab skills :thumbsup

Thanks mate. :D


Drilling and tapping M2 holes x 3, 120 degrees indexed. The backplate will sandwich the gauntlet material to secure the repulsor in the centre of the palm.







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Starting the suit over three years ago, weight was always going to be a concern. Not just the weight of the suit, but my ageing dad-body was not being looked after. With the electronics of the suit looking close to completion, it is time soon to don the armour.

For the last four weeks I have been on a diet from hell, eating all the stuff I hate and none of the food I like. I've lost a kilo per week and the loss is accelerating.

My concerns for fitting in the suit are now over and with my target loss of another four kilos my kids get a healthier and more active dad to play with for a while longer.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks Joberg.

Masked guy, that's great, now get to work. :p
Repulsor fitted to gauntlet and working, although I'll have to find a way to slow down the water supply a tad.

I got a vacuum lock so I put a breather hole in the reservior bottle. Now the flow-rate is too fast for the ultrasonic plate and it floods.

A friend has suggested I use a micro-mesh or similar over the breather hole to find the Goldilocks zone. I'm hoping to stop the water unless it is demanded by negative pressure behind the USP.




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SB, I poured through this thread the other day and I am just amazed! You're build is inspiring! Not only is it top quality, it is for a great cause! Thank you for sharing your progress, insights, successes, and failures.

I was curious how you intend you activate the various features you are incorporating (lights, mist, sound, etc). The lip switch for the mask is brilliant!
SB, I poured through this thread the other day and I am just amazed! You're build is inspiring! Not only is it top quality, it is for a great cause! Thank you for sharing your progress, insights, successes, and failures.

I was curious how you intend you activate the various features you are incorporating (lights, mist, sound, etc). The lip switch for the mask is brilliant!

There's a magnetically activated switch on the board for the nano-mister. I will use this to activate the light as well, though there is another board going in with a speaker and sound effects, as well as a timer. I get it all working and fitted, then my electronics guy makes it all tie in with control.
sandbagger I've been following your work for about a year now and I've recently began a Mark 46 build due to you and have been wanting to implement a repulsor effect in the hands. Seeing your's made me even more excited for the future. How would you suggest I, and others, implement such an effect (where to buy "nano-misters" etc.)?

I have never seen an in depth tutorial on this and if anybody has it would be helpful to see it.:D
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My good friend Dar has stepped up to the plate and built me a hearing aid for the suit. There will be two modules, giving me stereo sound so I can detect sound direction within the helmet. I'll update on those as soon as they arrive.

The mics wil be going in the front pf the shoulder around the scapula area. They will feed the earbuds I'll be wearing inside the helmet.

With any luck, not only will it solve my failing ears problem, but I may even be able to hear better than most in the room.



@sandbagger I've been following your work for about a year now and I've recently began a Mark 46 build due to you and have been wanting to implement a repulsor effect in the hands. Seeing your's made me even more excited for the future. How would you suggest I, and others, implement such an effect (where to buy "nano-misters" etc.)?

I have never seen an in depth tutorial on this and if anybody has it would be helpful to see it.:D

Just look for ladies nano-spray on ebay. Cheap as chips mate.

This thread is about all the tutorial I have time to give. I make most of it up as I go along so the plan is very organic in the way it progresses. Trial and error to me is the greatest teacher. Slower sure, but one does learn a lot more. you learn how to become resourceful and a problem-solver.
I make most of it up as I go along so the plan is very organic in the way it progresses. Trial and error to me is the greatest teacher. Slower sure, but one does learn a lot more. you learn how to become resourceful and a problem-solver.
Could not have said it better :thumbsup and experience-wise very much rewarding.I mean,look what you've made eventually ! Awesome doesn't even suffice to describe it
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