Walking Dead Rick Jacket

Also just found this, though I thought it would be a bigger size:

View attachment 701300

You can see both zips in this pic:
Excellent, so the previous zipper is for the pockets and this zipper is for the front. It does seem like it would be a bigger size but that looks to be the closest match. Do you think Suzahdi has those or would be able to accommodate for those? I can't seem to find a purchase section on Ideal's website
Nice find on the zip, I also found a few others very similar from IDEAL.They're different sizes, and I think the one you initially suggested is the right one anyway.
View attachment 701284View attachment 701285View attachment 701286View attachment 701287View attachment 701288

Would just need to check on the sizing as I'm unsure.

Nice find, but indeed, you need size 8. As nladyman has said, the question also remains whether Suzahdi can source these zippers or not.

If not (which is more than likely) maybe settle with zippers that look close enough?

I've also sorted this to show Suzahdi when I get chance:
View attachment 701289

Also note that the ribbed fabric is also applied to the lining of the sleeves from the underarm to the start of the cuffs and not only on the outside.

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Nice find, but indeed, you need size 8. As nladyman has said, the question also remains whether Suzahdi can source these zippers or not.

If not (which is more than likely) maybe settle with zippers that look close enough?

Also note that the ribbed fabric is also applied to the lining of the sleeves from the underarm to the start of the cuffs and not only on the outside.

View attachment 701362

I have emailed IDEAL on multiple emails to try and confirm that these zippers are the correct ones and that they do them in antique brass (which I'm assuming they do considering the pic of all the different colours on their website). I have also asked whether we can purchase these so fingers crossed. In terms of the size, that main zip doesn't show up under the size 8 section so I'm wondering if the size 5 is the one and that they're sizing is just weird on the website.

And in terms of the lycra under the cuff, yeah I noticed that too and im guessing it's just another layer of lycra running down the sleeve instead of polyester lining. So I can just let suzahdi know to replace the inner arm lining with lycra too instead of polyester if they can do it. So basically two layers of lycra in those sections and polyester lining for the rest of the lining down the arm.
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Zip size comparison with measurements:


After seeing how they look near enough the same size, is it possible that they're both the number 5 size?

correct zips.fw.png

Although now I'm wondering and guessing that the 8 on this pic means size 8:
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I have started making this and have almost finished it (things like the zips should be easy details to sort with Suzahdi)
I will annotate the remaining pictures tomorrow and add 1 more that I can think of (pocket zip angles)

Thank you for including the interior pockets having similar buttons, if we have other details you want us to quote it and post a reply?
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If we have other details you want us to quote it and post a reply?

Yeah if you quote me on here, depending what it is i'll add it, I'll probably use that to send to suzahdi for when I order mine so depending if we want the same things etc then yeah I'll add whatever they are. If not, you can always steal all those pics etc and then add your own onto a separate imgur post, no problem

More sample pics from Suzahdi, showing the shearling and lycra. Also noticed the button strap across the collar, wasn't sure if this would be included as couldn't see it before, I will add this to the customisations pics later to have this removed/not included. On the plus side theyv added a section of shearling around the Suzahdi logo inside the jacket like on the original
View attachment 701612View attachment 701611View attachment 701610

More sample pics from Suzahdi, showing the shearling and lycra. Also noticed the button strap across the collar, wasn't sure if this would be included as couldn't see it before, I will add this to the customisations pics later to have this removed/not included. On the plus side theyv added a section of shearling around the Suzahdi logo inside the jacket like on the original
They sent me those as well I was wondering if this one was yours, did they have additional photos of the jacket as well, such as the narrow athletic fit? And have they responded to the other requests such as the zippers,

Also from what the representative told me, yes they can integrate the cotton lycra fabiric to the jacket rather than stitch it on top.

What do you think of the fabric color? It looks pretty accurate
They sent me those as well I was wondering if this one was yours, did they have additional photos of the jacket as well, such as the narrow athletic fit? And have they responded to the other requests such as the zippers,

Also from what the representative told me, yes they can integrate the cotton lycra fabiric to the jacket rather than stitch it on top.

What do you think of the fabric color? It looks pretty accurate

Nah that's not mine, I've sent suzahdi my imgur post to look over and I've informed them that I will resend the complete list of customisations when I order. But first I hope they can have a look and let me know what they think of the customisations, whether they're happy to do these changes etc and if they have any questions or parts they don't understand. And no they only sent me those 3 pics, did they send you some others then? In relation to zippers I haven't had much back from them, I've told them im looking into those zips from China that were linked before on here. I've had no response from IDEAL. And you mean for the lycra lining? Because Im assuming it's two layers of lycra, the outside part which has a lycra lining part stitched on top of that inside. I think the fabric looks good, personally I'm happy with the materials, you can see the small lines in the lycra which is nice, gives it texture, the suede they have assured me is a dark brown and that the camera and lighting make it look black. Overall im happy, just need to arrange the zips and then confirm that suzahdi are happy with all of the customisations once I send them the complete list
Nah that's not mine, I've sent suzahdi my imgur post to look over and I've informed them that I will resend the complete list of customisations when I order. But first I hope they can have a look and let me know what they think of the customisations, whether they're happy to do these changes etc and if they have any questions or parts they don't understand. And no they only sent me those 3 pics, did they send you some others then? In relation to zippers I haven't had much back from them, I've told them im looking into those zips from China that were linked before on here. I've had no response from IDEAL. And you mean for the lycra lining? Because Im assuming it's two layers of lycra, the outside part which has a lycra lining part stitched on top of that inside. I think the fabric looks good, personally I'm happy with the materials, you can see the small lines in the lycra which is nice, gives it texture, the suede they have assured me is a dark brown and that the camera and lighting make it look black. Overall im happy, just need to arrange the zips and then confirm that suzahdi are happy with all of the customisations once I send them the complete list
They only sent me those 3 photos as well

As for the side lycra, I looked again and it does look like how you're describing it with two layers. Initially I thought it looked like one solid piece of lycra they stitched between the suede from the photos you pointed out of the sleeves having the lycra inside as well, maybe we can get confirmation from one of the users in this thread that previously owned the jacket? Although I am inclined to lean towards what you pointed out about the layers of lycra each stitched on the outside and inside, it makes more sense :p

Glad you're happy with it too! The color looks nice and everything is starting to come together, we've made some great progress in this thread over the last couple of weeks
They only sent me those 3 photos as well

As for the side lycra, I looked again and it does look like how you're describing it with two layers. Initially I thought it looked like one solid piece of lycra they stitched between the suede from the photos you pointed out of the sleeves having the lycra inside as well, maybe we can get confirmation from one of the users in this thread that previously owned the jacket? Although I am inclined to lean towards what you pointed out about the layers of lycra each stitched on the outside and inside, it makes more sense :p

Glad you're happy with it too! The color looks nice and everything is starting to come together, we've made some great progress in this thread over the last couple of weeks

Yeah its basically just a lycra lining inside instead of polyster all the way round, so stitch the inner lycra lining to the outer part of lycra under arm section. Plus it would probably make it warmer.

Yeah the colour is good, I will ask Suzahdi to use the same coloured thread for the stitching as the lycra as I believe this is how it is on the real jacket. And yeah a lot of work but hopefully going to pay off! Looking promising now.
I'm not convinced. The materials themselves look fine (much finer suede than White Sheep Leather), just not the colors. The suede looks too black, the color of the ribbed fabric/lycra looks too different from the color of the suede and the zipper fabric seems to have a more brown color.

As for the lycra parts, yes there's two layers of lycra: one layer is part of the jacket shell, the other is part of the lining.
It does look promising! excited to see how it turns out. Like Mike, you are going to order one when you have found all the customization? Would love if you could then come back here with pictures, details ect when you get it :D
It does look promising! excited to see how it turns out. Like Mike, you are going to order one when you have found all the customization? Would love if you could then come back here with pictures, details ect when you get it :D

No problem, yes I'll order one once I've sorted the zips and discussed all the customisations i want, I'll then share and review it on here. After searching forever online and finding Limited results for accurate replicas, this is easily the best and with how willing suzahdi are to customise and dye lycra for me, I don't think there will ever be a better replica unless you go to a specialist and pay about £500 for them to listen to your personal requests and to cater to every little detail. Also baring in mind that the ugg jacket did cost about that brand new, and then on top of that TWD team did tonnes of customisations to it, makes it very difficult to even know what all of the customisations are/how they did them. I suppose it also depends if you want it identical to the replica because you like how it looks or because in your head you know it's the replica. As in I never would have been too bothered about the lining inside being accurate because I wouldn't have thought it affects too much how it looks from the outside (the outside being the main purpose/look of the jacket in the first place) so I guess it depends how far you want to go on the obsessing over details, I can see that the lycra isn't quite the same texture as the original, but then I don't think it will be easy to find the original, especially not by asking suzahdi to keep buying more and more materials hoping by chance its the right material/texture etc
No problem, yes I'll order one once I've sorted the zips and discussed all the customisations i want, I'll then share and review it on here. After searching forever online and finding Limited results for accurate replicas, this is easily the best and with how willing suzahdi are to customise and dye lycra for me, I don't think there will ever be a better replica unless you go to a specialist and pay about £500 for them to listen to your personal requests and to cater to every little detail. Also baring in mind that the ugg jacket did cost about that brand new, and then on top of that TWD team did tonnes of customisations to it, makes it very difficult to even know what all of the customisations are/how they did them. I suppose it also depends if you want it identical to the replica because you like how it looks or because in your head you know it's the replica. As in I never would have been too bothered about the lining inside being accurate because I wouldn't have thought it affects too much how it looks from the outside (the outside being the main purpose/look of the jacket in the first place) so I guess it depends how far you want to go on the obsessing over details, I can see that the lycra isn't quite the same texture as the original, but then I don't think it will be easy to find the original, especially not by asking suzahdi to keep buying more and more materials hoping by chance its the right material/texture etc
So far it does look really promising, though my only concern right now is about the shoulder thing mentioned earlier here. Ive actually been thinking about getting it custom made from scratch from another company. But the price would end up at at arround 600$ ish. Hyped to see how the jacket turns out!:)
I'm not convinced. The materials themselves look fine (much finer suede than White Sheep Leather), just not the colors. The suede looks too black, the color of the ribbed fabric/lycra looks too different from the color of the suede and the zipper fabric seems to have a more brown color.

As for the lycra parts, yes there's two layers of lycra: one layer is part of the jacket shell, the other is part of the lining.
To be fair, as Like Mike mentioned above that is not his jacket it was another order made, we're still compiling reference images for the jacket so when we submit what we have the shell color and lycra color can still be altered to a lighter tone at our request. Plus we have the actual reference photos from the real jacket so they can dye it as close as possible with the images we're providing

It looks dark even in daylight, but as I mentioned thankfully we have good reference photos so they can make it lighter




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