The Force Awakens Millennium Falcon Projects

Sorry guys, but these two exterior shell sizes look similar to me. I don't think the TFA shell could be 1.4x as big as the ANH shell.

There is some perspective difference with the ANH cockpit being closer to the camera, but compare the size of the round side structures to the standing humans.

View attachment 664192 Shot 2016-09-13 at 22.33.21_zpssqwjhw5h.png
I completely agree. This new one looks no different than the echo base falcon

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here are some shiny and blurry pics of the drafting for the old full sized falcons. Some of you draftsmen may have fun comparing them. (you could probably go from the interior cockpit dimensions to figure out the rest of it. Like i say, if I had CAD drawings of the models I would love to reference check it all.






for my money, the Ep 8 exterior is the same size as the exterior sets have always been, around 86'+ long. The thing is, if you mess with the scale at all, the ramp gets very weird very fast. I know this from working on the plans for the Full Scale Falcon project (where we went with 114')

the ramp on the images of the Ep 8 exterior looks just like it always has on the ANH and ESB sets.

for comparison sake...

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Sorry I've been out of the loop for a while. Has anyone found a way to remedy the Bandai Falcon's mirrored side walls with aftermarket parts or some other procedure? Do you think Bandai may re-release the kit for Episode 8 with corrected sidewalls?
Wow thanks Keigo,....sorry it's been a while since I've been back on this thread.....the colours I used for the base of the Falcon is Vallejo white mixed with deck tan 50/50%.....the red is Cavalier Brown also by Vallejo

Your paintjob is amazing. Best I've seen so far. Can you provide the colors you used. I've done my primer in black, base coat is mix of Vallejo White/Deck Tan/Sky grey. I want to paint the colored panels also. Just need to get the colors right. You did the red ones with Cavalier Brown. What were the yellows and greys? Did you airbrush the darker "weathering" near the turrets?

Also, did you mix the colors with something? I googled the Cavalier Brown from Vallejo and it looks too brown compared to your reds on the model.

Awesome job!
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Here's some screen grabs of TFA Falcon (while I try to repair this thread)



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I never thought I'd love a CG ship so much... course that's because it's so faithful to the real model.

I keep seeing in all the pre-visualizations of the Galaxy's Edge themepark that they're using this same model. I REALLLLLY hope they actually build somethat that's based on it. That would so completely AMAZING to have a 86' copy of the 5' Falcon. I would lose my mind. As it is, I'm worried they're just going to have the filming set they've been using for TFA and Last Jedi... which has way too many 32" details. Not to mention the nose box is a friggin mess... hurts to look at for me every time.
I never thought I'd love a CG ship so much... course that's because it's so faithful to the real model.

I keep seeing in all the pre-visualizations of the Galaxy's Edge themepark that they're using this same model. I REALLLLLY hope they actually build somethat that's based on it. That would so completely AMAZING to have a 86' copy of the 5' Falcon. I would lose my mind. As it is, I'm worried they're just going to have the filming set they've been using for TFA and Last Jedi... which has way too many 32" details. Not to mention the nose box is a friggin mess... hurts to look at for me every time.

Yes.....the full size set is ugly......Stinson.....don't look at this....avert your eyes,....hopefully they CG over the top of it, like they did on TFA..

Falcon Comparison.jpg
Heh, they have to right? The backroom folks at ILM know what's up, pretty much the only thing they actually fixed on that digital matte painting is the nose. I can just imagine they're looking at it like we are like "what? WHY? why does it look like that? You guys even had the the plans to the full-scale built for ANH and ESB. WHAT HAPPENED???"

even the nose on the 32" isn't that bad...
Has there ever been an explanation for the cylindrical greeblies atop the M23 McLaren boxes, where the mandibles join the saucer? Are they magic rocket launchers?

That shot of the Falcon being ingested into Solo's new big ship bugs me every time - because of the alterations to the shape of the underside maintenance pits. Namely, the shape is so difficult to correct in a model! Arrrrgh.
Has there ever been an explanation for the cylindrical greeblies atop the M23 McLaren boxes, where the mandibles join the saucer? Are they magic rocket launchers?

That shot of the Falcon being ingested into Solo's new big ship bugs me every time - because of the alterations to the shape of the underside maintenance pits. Namely, the shape is so difficult to correct in a model! Arrrrgh.

On the studio model the underside pits of the 3 gear were shifted to add the landing gear bays,....a cut & make do


I'm not a lover of the mod, & what they did to that beautiful model.....I can see the cut marks....The CG asset is their chance to tidy things up,...give proper spacing, more like the spacing & tidiness of the 32" in that area, if thats the way it would have been done if that was the original intent

I like how they cleaned it up.....I do hope that the CG asset of the Falcon in the Han Solo film removes the added gear & returns the pits to their original ANH positions

I wouldn't have minded if the TFA digital model had underside pits resembling those of the 32" ship, really. They just seem too wide given the presence of the landing gear box. But my main complaint is what a huge hassle it is to fix, as you well know. :)
Some more reference pics of TFA & TLJ CG Asset Falcon,...some which I've posted before,....but any way, it is again

MillenniumFalconTFA-Fathead cc'd.png
TFA & TLJ Falcon.jpg
Screen Shot 2018-12-10 at 20.23.34.jpg
Falcon lowshot.jpg
Falcon Front on.jpg

This last one......Full size set with digital tweaks??

Falcon rocks.jpg

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