Bronze Alien Sculptures 1/6


Well-Known Member

back in the year 2011 and all these hype around prometheus I just remembered that I was a big friend of the alien movies once and I realized, that I still love the first part of these. So I decided to get an alien figure again, lets say for a kind of collection (not really movie depending). So after looking at what is available, I saw, that the only sculpt that really hit the look of the first alien would be the sano alien. all the other ones were problematic with the scull or the whole head in my opinion. So I decided to do my own made out of cast bronze, cause the sano one was hard to get and really expensive, and I also wanted to have something more heavy than plastic, just like a real sculpture (Ive studied art/sculpting at that time though).
After showing my clone helmet here, I want to share these photos now too. They are a lot, so maybe sometimes it might be not really in order.

here we go: these are the first steps of sculpting with wax. wax makes sense, cause it can be melt out for the bronze casting process directly( see the aluminum clone helmets)

as you can see, I sculpted not one part, but left the head, the torso with legs, arms, tubes and tail unconnected. I made a silicone form from all of these parts, so I was able to produce more. I made 10 statues, each a little bit different and sometimes changed pretty much, and also 2 more artist versions + one aluminum version.

this is the first cast:

the original sculpt ready to mould it into the cast mould..

this will be the alu version:

and some bad pictures of the finished cast...

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some of the other wax models:

here the finished aluminum alien

and the original model in bronze:

I used a silver patina and rust patina for it, to get a movie like color.

and some arty pictures from the aluminum one:

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Re: Bronze Alien Sculptures !/6

more wax versions...

this is a piece for one hanging alien, inspired by the mummy like alien costume relict shown in the movie museum in frankfurt

raw casts... you can see all the channels for the bronze to cast in and the air to get out.

Re: Bronze Alien Sculptures !/6

as I said, some wax casts were modified pretty much. here is a head, on which I resculpted the jaw and the dome. the last aliens were the better ones, cause I got more and more to the details of the giger one.

the head is much more aerodynamic now...

this is the cleaned up bronze, ready for the patina...

all aliens got signed and numbered. this is Nr 6/10

the fingernails and especially the tail are really sharp, one thing thats impossible with plastic...

nr 3

I used stainless screws to put a polyurethane base under the statue. loos a little bit like marble.

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here the hanging version (nr5)

another modification with the second jaw

for 2 aliens I used stainless steel teeth. I ve put these into the wax, so after the wax melted out, the teeth were surrounded by the bronze.

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the 2nd jar version , cleaned up a little bit, but with the casting skin still on it.

and finished

Re: Bronze Alien Sculptures !/6

a little group photo

well, thats it. sorry all of these pictures are a little bit confusing. but its long tome go since I ve done that and I just wanted to share it now.
I also know that there are some better ways to sculpt an alien, especially with the tubing, but these project began as an after work hobby. I wanted to have a sculpture too, not a perfect imitation of the big one, but a figure, that show the gesture of the alien and the most important typical things. for me, the form of the dome was important, and that you could imagine the man under the suit. the last few years I was pretty satisfied with these little guys around me.

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a little group photo

well, thats it. sorry all of these pictures are a little bit confusing. but its long tome go since I ve done that and I just wanted to share it now.
I also know that there are some better ways to sculpt an alien, especially with the tubing, but these project began as an after work hobby. I wanted to have a sculpture too, not a perfect imitation of the big one, but a figure, that show the gesture of the alien and the most important typical things. for me, the form of the dome was important, and that you could imagine the man under the suit. the last few years I was pretty satisfied with these little guys around me.
Re: Bronze Alien Sculptures !/6

My best compliments. (y)thumbsup:thumbsup Have you been really good. You have created a collection. There will be those who want to have the complete series !!! :)
Re: Bronze Alien Sculptures !/6

Superb!! :thumbsup I'd love a collection of these.... Fantastic!! :)
Re: Bronze Alien Sculptures !/6

These are ridiculously cool! All I can think of doing is taking one to hide in some Egyptian tomb like an ancient artifact. Leave a few folks in the future scratching their head. lol.
Re: Bronze Alien Sculptures !/6

thank you,
after a long time I wanted to take my hands on the very first cast/sculpt again, because I was not so satisfied of it anymore. I wanted to put stainless steel teeth into it too. the results make it much better I think.

before and after:

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