Mutant Detected - X-Men Sentinel Build (WIP)


Active Member
So for the past few years I've been saying I was going to make a sentinel costume and I'm finally making it. My goal is to try to have it done for D*C this year. If I don't finish in time I'll take it NYCC in October. I hope for this costume to evolve over time and be a work in progress. So in this first version I'm going to go old school Mark 1 style that looks like the man in the purple and red suit.


I hope over time to make some modifications in certain places to have it look more like this style.


I purchased a pair of dry wall stilts and tested them out to measure for scale and size.

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For the legs I want the big boot version and I'm using a modify version of the Warhammer Space Marine Pepakura files. I made them out of 1/4 L200 foam. I do slightly worry about their durability being made out that thin of foam but I hope they will get a little stronger when I add plastic dip. Hope to have more updates soon.

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Looking good! I'm doing a mark 2 for Dragon con. But I'm not gonna be on stilts ( not graceful enough to risk it ) I'm excited to see how yours turns out!
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I hope to make some major progress this weekend. I spent last night filling the seams with silicone.

Looking good! I'm doing a mark 2 for Dragon con. But I'm not gonna be on stilts ( not graceful enough to risk it ) I'm excited to see how yours turns out!

Also King of Kittens I'm hoping to finish this for DragonCon. If i do we have to take a pic together.
So no major update this weekend. I was busy working on some of my other costumes. Hopefully I'll have the chest piece finished this weekend. Anyway I did get the cod piece finished. You gotta protect the robot family jewels!

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Love your youtube channel, I am also working on a Mark II Sentinel for FanExpo Canada. I choose it because Stan Lee will be at Fanexpo. Not using stilts I have a platform built into the boots.

Good luck. Im going full Fuschia,purple and pink.
anything new?

I know I know I've been slacking posting here. I'm getting ready for DragonCon so I've been super focused on finishing up those costumes first. However I'm still working on it. I've got the chest piece about 80% done cut and put together. I'm kind of stuck on trying figuring out how to do the arms/hands since there aren't really any good pepakura files for this. So if people have suggestions I'm open to it. of. Plus I'm not fully sure how to keep the proportions right relative to the rest of the costume.

So be patient guys I promise more is coming!
Are you still working on this? Don't stop, my good man. What you've already done looks amazing!

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm still working on it. I have finished the chest piece. I just have been busy with New York Comic Con and playing a lot of Destiny lately. Fear not I will have more updates on the way.
Hey guys sorry i haven't updated this in awhile. I have been super busy with some personal stuff going on. I even thought about scrapping the project and cosplay all together. However all your wonderful comments and PMs of encouragement have inspired me to keep at it. So thank you all!.

Now that all the mushy stuff is out of the way onto the build! I finished the chest piece and the cod piece. Here are some pictures of me wearing them together.


The next challenge i'm facing is figuring out how to do the arms. I think i might need some type of shoulder armor to hide the start of my arms. Also I'm not sure how I should do the hands since they are going to have to extend beyond my normal arm length to keep the proportions right.
Hi Endo, sorry for reviving an ancient thread, but I was wondering whether you have ever finished this build?
Here are two links to help you on your way if you didn't:
I hope your personal situation has improved to the point where you can pick up where you left off.Good luck and be safe in these weird times.
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