Darth Vader ROTJ Reveal mask My build

Yes...a very good option if you don´t have the originals.;)

@Marv:It is more than a mark...and it is around the mask..but only in segments.Its easyer to make it complete in the mold and sand the too much areas away when I have a fiberlasscopy.So all is in line the complete way.The white areas is the primer where the paint is gone...so I can paint it very easys after painting the mask with mask gunmetal.I love this lines under the crown of the Originalreveal so I want it on my mask,too.



Very nice and inspiring work !

However this "mark" is a cracking line between the separate dome and the mask. This dome is not part of the original casting on the real one.
Very nice and inspiring work !

However this "mark" is a cracking line between the separate dome and the mask. This dome is not part of the original casting on the real one.

Thanks...happy that you like it.:)

And second time about the line under the crown and over the nose:
The screenused mask is not a cast.There is only one mask.So the lines are a part of the original.You can build your own mask without this details..but the overall look is not the same like the originalprop.I want my mask like the original so I will make this details.Why its on the mask is unimportant for me.Its a mix about cracked material and a possible glueline or something like that.
Another problem on some pics and screenshots is the resolution...I bet if you could zoom very high in a movieshot of the revealscene you would see the lines under the crown and over the nose under the gunmetal paint,too.;)
And again..about the line under the crown look on my high resolution pic in this thread before.So you can see that its not only a crack!

The lines are bumps and dents and cracks...here an example over the nose..bump(blue) and dent(red)..and from the distance it looks like one line..but it is not..:


@Marv:Yes that is a cool effect...but in person the primer is not white...its a very bright grey.;)


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I'll take a wild guess and saz that ol' Tox had access to the mask while the exhibit was set up in Paris ...
But yes,it's an individual decision and sometimes personal taste to include details or omit them. I personallz like that line as a detail,intended or not.
Thanks "danzig"...and yes "DaddyfromNaboo" this lines are a very prominent attribute of the ROTJ Revealmask.When you see it from the distance you always looking for the line under the crown.Before I didn´t had high resolution pics of the originalmask I was thinking the line was silver paint or shining metal under the paint!:lol

So guys..."light gunmetal"(TS-42) or "gunmetal"(TS-38)?

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Well I'd always prefer a much darker color ... especially if you are going to light this prop while on display, which will make it appear much lighter ... think about the original Tie-fighters which appear almost white on the silver screen ;)

I agree, darker is better due to lighting making it brighter when you see it. If you go too light, it just looks wrong under lighting.
You did not understand what I said, of course the reveal is a one-off but it was built from a casting.
So if that's a crack (ans this is a crack, Ive been able to see the original 8 times, last time being 2 weeks ago), why do you make a raised line ? Why doing something that is not here and never was ?

I think you are fooled by your ref pics, in person there's no raised line only a poorly assembled dish on a resin mask, whith some glue at the seam line (which you could think is a seam line) and which shows some cracks.

Regarding the nose, I see there's something. It looks like a step created by the edge of masking tape. On some places of the mask this step between the black and gun metal paints is almost 0.5mm thick !! Now that's an heavy paintjob !

Thanks...happy that you like it.:)

And second time about the line under the crown and over the nose:
The screenused mask is not a cast.There is only one mask.So the lines are a part of the original.You can build your own mask without this details..but the overall look is not the same like the originalprop.I want my mask like the original so I will make this details.Why its on the mask is unimportant for me.Its a mix about cracked material and a possible glueline or something like that.
Another problem on some pics and screenshots is the resolution...I bet if you could zoom very high in a movieshot of the revealscene you would see the lines under the crown and over the nose under the gunmetal paint,too.;)
And again..about the line under the crown look on my high resolution pic in this thread before.So you can see that its not only a crack!

The lines are bumps and dents and cracks...here an example over the nose..bump(blue) and dent(red)..and from the distance it looks like one line..but it is not..:


@Marv:Yes that is a cool effect...but in person the primer is not white...its a very bright grey.;)
I have to agree with Monsieur Tox on this one....

The line around the crown is just separation of the domed dish that was used to create the top. It's where the filler/glue has cracked causing the line..... Also the line on the nose is just thick paint and a masking tape line...... I spent years studying this helmet..... As I am sure most of you did too....... :thumbsup
Pics don´t lie,guys!;)

This poor mark is a very important mark of the mask on every pic.I have over 1000 pics of this mask and on every pic of a expo you can see it.And you can see it from the distance and none Expopics,too.So I will build it.
And I believe you Monsieur Tox that you have not seen the lines so sticked out in person.But with flash or brighter lights you can see it under the paint.I would say the lines are also not so sticking out when I have sprayed paint over it.

If you´ve seen the mask 8 times,did you made great pics of it?What people are talking is not really important for me...fakts are important for my build.That means no harm about you and your personal experiences...but I build what I see.And I see LINES!:eek
If you ask Dave Prowse what a color his Vader armor in the movies had ..and he says:"Black!"...would you paint your Vaderhelmet complete black while the pics are talking another story?And this man was VADER!;)

@sskunky:What it is,is not important.It´s important how it looks.If the line over the nose would be from tape,it would look like a step over the complete line.But it isn´t.Its higher in the middle and deeper on the sides.What tape is doing that?I´ve never seen a tapeline like this.I would say its a glueline.The same pattern like under the disc on the top.
And again about the masking tape theory:Why they needed masking tape over the nose?It is all gunmetal at this area.So no need to use tape!

Ok...Frontshot...no flash...lines or not?:)



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Pics don´t lie,guys!;)

This poor mark is a very important mark of the mask on every pic.I have over 1000 pics of this mask and on every pic of a expo you can see it.And you can see it from the distance and none Expopics,too.So I will build it.
And I believe you Monsieur Tox that you have not seen the lines so sticked out in person.But with flash or brighter lights you can see it under the paint.I would say the lines are also not so sticking out when I have sprayed paint over it.

If you´ve seen the mask 8 times,did you made great pics of it?What people are talking is not really important for me...fakts are important for my build.That means no harm about you and your personal experiences...but I build what I see.And I see LINES!:eek
If you ask Dave Prowse what a color his Vader armor in the movies had ..and he says:"Black!"...would you paint your Vaderhelmet complete black while the pics are talking another story?And this man was VADER!;)

@sskunky:What it is,is not important.It´s important how it looks.If the line over the nose would be from tape,it would look like a step over the complete line.But it isn´t.Its higher in the middle and deeper on the sides.What tape is doing that?I´ve never seen a tapeline like this.I would say its a glueline.The same pattern like under the disc on the top.
And again about the masking tape theory:Why they needed masking tape over the nose?It is all gunmetal at this area.So no need to use tape!

Ok...Frontshot...no flash...lines or not?:)


Don't know if you've ever visited this site, but this might help clear up what you're talking about here. Page 80 shows Luke pulling the upper portion of the mask off to reveal Anakin's face underneath. There are a few frames near the beginning that clearly show the line you're talking about on the nose ridge area. This site is by far the BEST I've seen for frame by frame photo reference in HIGH RESOLUTION from all the Star Wars movies & Clone Wars! AWESOME for reference directly from the movies! Here's the link - http://starwarsscreencaps.com/star-wars-episode-vi-return-of-the-jedi-1983/80/ Hope this helps! ENJOY!:cool
Wow...thanks Vaderjeff...thanks a lot for this site!Great pics!There you can also see the lines on the mask!In the MOVIE!Ha!:D

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To me the line looks like a tape line from when they masked it up to paint it. The ridge is there from a thicker build up of paint. The nose piece may have originally been black and they didn't like it so they went over it with the gun metal.
That nose line is not on any other casting I have of Vader and I have quite a few rare castings.

I still think it was a masking line at some point. That's my opinion. I'm not going to force that opinion on you and you can believe whatever you like. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We cannot prove either way what it is. We can only guess.

The line on the crown is where the dished dome has cracked away and whatever anyone else says you won't sway me from this conclusion. I also have hundreds of high res pics of this helmet and my pics don't lie either. :)

I really want to see your pics now!;)

And I know that the line is on no other casting...its only on the Revealmask.But I think that is not important.

It is not important for me what it is.It is there!And it was there in the movie also.So when the mask was "cracked" in the movie,the crack is a screenused detail.
But it is not a crack I have posted a ultra high res pic of the line under the crown that shows the higher material on some areas of the line.And I could post some other pics that the higher material is around the complete mask in some areas.I think the cracks and scratched paint where comming later on the mask.
In the movie the line under the paint was too much glue that was comming out at the line where the disc was set on the top of the mask.And too much glue makes this higher markings when you don´t remove it before its hard!;)
If you can build the line over the nose with tape,do it...I have no idea how I can do that.So I will use other materials.
The pic from the movie is the ultimate proof...that both lines where on the mask from the beginning.That is all I need to know.And that is the core issue for my build.
If you have better pics than I ,that can disprove it feel free to post them here.

@animefan:That is the answer!They painted all helmets from Episode IV-VI with a complete gunmetal nosearea...but Richard Marquand wanted the Revealmasks nose like Pluto with a black nose because he was a big fan of this disney-dog.Only George Lucas was speaking a command and they repainted it directly!:D
But with no joke:The idea was not bad...but I think it was another story.See down please!;)
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Ok guys I had a brainstorm tonight...I think I have the answer about the line over the nose.;)
MonsieurTox said that the mask has a heavy paintjob with thick layers of paint..and I think that is the key to the solution!
First..the mask is painted black first and gunmetal second.The proof for that is,that the gunmetal paint on the nose is higher as the black paintjob.


And that is also the solution for the secret lines on the mask...they are the way of the tape with gunmetal paint that was slipped under it.Bad tape in the 80s!:lol


And now comes the line over the nose...it is also a tapeline,because the propbuilder wanted to secure the sharp sculpted rills on the nosearea about the heavy black paintjob!After he sprayed the heavy black over the mask he removed the tape...and sprayed gunmetal.But the line was there in a really abnormal shape.It is a mix about very thick color that was running down and very thick old tape.Impossible to make with modern tapes and a thin paintjob.Hm?:eek:angel
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