DREDD 3D (2012) - Helmet Build - Finished Page 7

Hi I just joined to say OMGG! this is simply the best I've seen, amazing job.:cool

I really want one of these and have been searching the web to see who makes them. All the home builds I've seen till now are way off, this one is bang on, everything in proportion and just looks like the real thing.

How much are these 3D printers? I'm a pro games artist and would love to be able to convert my meshes like this. I'm guessing it takes some skill to go from the initial sculpt, but guess that could come with time? at least to a degree, not sure I could get a result like this with a bin, the painting alone is so well done.:thumbsup
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Hello everyone, bluerealm!

First of all let me say that i'm really amazed at your build, it's incredible!

I hope you don't mind me coming here and asking for some help? i'm going to have a go at trying to make a dredd helmet for myself, beginning with a 3d model of it, but i haven't been capable of finding good enough reference to lay out some blueprints and start with the modeling. If it isn't much of a hassle for you, is it possible if you post some front/top/side pictures of it? I don't want to ask for 3d files of it, because i'm sure you have already had the effort to create them for yourself and i'd like to take this project as independently as possible, but i'd also like it to be as accurate as possible!

Anyway, sorry for dropping in on your thread ;) Just thought you'd be the man to ask, looking at the awesome outcome on that helmet!

Sure thing, Good luck on building your 3d model.

Hi I just joined to say OMGG! this is simply the best I've seen, amazing job.:cool

I really want one of these and have been searching the web to see who makes them. All the home builds I've seen till now are way off, this one is bang on, everything in proportion and just looks like the real thing.

How much are these 3D printers? I'm a pro games artist and would love to be able to convert my meshes like this. I'm guessing it takes some skill to go from the initial sculpt, but guess that could come with time? at least to a degree, not sure I could get a result like this with a bin, the painting alone is so well done.:thumbsup

I didnt use a 3d Printer on this project. I used a 3 axis milling machine (CNC Machine). There are many models available with wide range of pricing. Do a little research and you can see if any would fit your needs.

I didnt use a 3d Printer on this project. I used a 3 axis milling machine (CNC Machine). There are many models available with wide range of pricing. Do a little research and you can see if any would fit your needs.


Thanks Devin I'll take a look.
Can't wait to get my PC setup again, this would be a great little project in max or Mayer. Did you make the templates? I'll get a 3D model done then maybe when finances permit get one of those milling machines. Looks like a lot of work after that stage, you make it look so simple lol.
any chance of a girl version in the near future?
I think the female judges helmets are the same design? (Thats a girl there in the centre of this shot i think.)

If the standard is too big it could always be bulked out with padding on the inside, or the computer model could be custom sized. (though that can get a bit risky if you end up with something too small!)
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I know this is an old thread but I'm a new member. Do you have a notion on size of the smaller Dredd helmet? Not everyone looks great in a bobble head get-up. PS, are you USA or elsewhere? Very interested in your great work.
bluerealm I know I may be too late to ask this but i was put onto your amazing DREDD helmet by my old mate Baron Von Blondie and was enquiring if you still made any more, and if you did I would dearly like to buy one as being a huge Judge Dredd fan from 1977 onwards It would be an honour to wear one.

If not its cool but you know what they say you dont ask you dont get.

Sure thing, Good luck on building your 3d model.

Thank so you much! I've been kind of busy trying to get some food on the table and i "forgot" about this project, but anyway, now i have a little more free time and i'm going to tackle it! Thanks for this great reference, it's exactly what i needed!
A friend and I are building a couple of Devin's castings as well (blindsquirrel and I). We keep getting swamped with other projects, and are only working on these in our spare time, sadly. Here is the progress we've made to both of them.

We started by doing everything the fix-it kit suggested, as well as smoothing the inside of the helmet:

We also corrected the other (small!) areas of the helmet. This included removing the raised area at the back of the helmet, and sanding down the trim to make it more closely match the screen used helmets:

The picture is bad, but you can see the difference compared to the uncorrected helmet on the left!

This is how they sat the last time I took photos of mine:

Since taking these, we had to remount the visors. We decided to drill completely through the helmet and mount a total of 6 2mmx12mm bolts in key locations, and mounted the visor to them. This way the visor is contoured to the helmet at all locations. I'll get a photo this weekend I'm sure.

I spaced on uploaded the completed helmets! My apologies. Here is my and Blind Squirrels helmets after painting and weathering.532071_10152150774392306_1041087748_n.jpg


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Glad to this old thread was pulled up again. I'm a huge fan of Judge Dredd and I have couple of figures/models in collection. Your WIP was a great read. I need to try my hands in such projects someday. Also, I'm looking to create Dredd's motorcycle. I'll try one in 1/6 scale to go with one of my figures. Thank you so much for sharing your work and still leaving the pics up. :)

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