Dredd Badge models WIP (for 3D printing)

Lee Bratina

New Member
Hey, this is my first run at the badge models. Using Google Sketchup so for right now the angling on the tail feathers and the wings are not quite right but I will keep working on it. They may have to be modified after printing.


Let me know what you guys think.
Looks good so far :thumbsup... with the soften tool you can hide some of those lines that are created when you pull in an angle a surface.
I am using Sketchup for this model and I am not having any luck locating a soften tool. So I have removed the normal edges and added siluette edges. It looks a bit cleaner this way but there are still some imperfections (See the bottom of the middle tail feather)

Dredd g no edges.jpgDredd G no edge 2.jpg
If you're using Sketchup on a PC, right click on top of a line you wish to hide and a list of options will appear, the soften command should be one of those options... but what you did looks good also :thumbsup.
Thanks man! Looks much better with the edges softened. I also figured out that the distortion at the bottom was caused by an imperfection in the face causing holes(So glad I didnt print that). I corrected the issue and softened all unnecessary lines. Here is the new model.

Dredd G softened.jpg
I just ordered my 3D printer, Solidoodle 3rd Gen, so it should be here in 7-8 weeks. This badge will be my calibration print, so I am going to have a fair number rolling around. I will also be releasing the STL once I make sure everything prints properly. I am also going to be making a blank name copy with the letters separate so you can customize it.
According to the forum I cant offer to take payments until after I get the minimum amount of posts (25) and I have been active long enough. I am working on getting here and I will let you know as soon as I am able to. If you let me know what name you want on it I can see about working the file so you can see it in render before I get there.

The feathering is to match the slope I set into the bottom feathers.

I am going to post the STL file on here so that anyone with a printer can do it themselves.
Excellent work.
I downloaded the file to have a look how easy it would be to alter the name. MMMM beyond my meager knowledge. How difficult would it be for you to alter the name to HERD, I have the fortune to use most of the letters from DREDD in my surname.
Alright I now have ANDERSON style badges available. Next project will be DEATH style mod. That one will take a while since it will have to be done from scratch again.

Here is the Anderson:

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