<1.5mm material for a laser cutter


New Member
Hi, i am at the planning stage of a rather big model project, a 1:100 scale oil rig, right form the start it was obvious we will need alot small thin bits. Most things like railings and scaffolding will be etched brass, and the superstructure will be laser cut acrylic. we have a large pile of 3-12mm acrylic in stock and some 2mm in 300x200mm sheets found at a local shop.

As mentioned we have a dire need of a thinner material for many of the smaller details and we dont want to use cardboard, because it will warp over time. i have tried to cut some styrene with little success, polycarbonate with a bit more luck, however these are stinky materials and i dont get the neat edge the laser give me with acrylic.

So is there a material out there available in really thin sizes like 0.25-1.5mm that will work well with a 60w laser cutter?
Acrylic will be availible in these sizes. I usually use stock 1mm thick for detail parts but it is brittle when cut.
Acrylic will be availible in these sizes. I usually use stock 1mm thick for detail parts but it is brittle when cut.

Thanks, i was not aware it existed 1mm acrylic, i got some black styrene out of the skip from a local factory and it does the trick,
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