Andy Kernow
New Member
Sorry, but had to show off my own effort at Mal's pistol.
Primarily, this post is a big thanks to phillipes & Talisen for the cast & painting tips respectively.
As others have done, I've sacrifced the knurled thumbscrews which were beyond salvage to my mind.
Just got to apply some heat treatment to sort out a slight case of banana-barrel.
The wood grips are not clearcoated - the shine is wax polish, so it will dull naturally.
Primarily, this post is a big thanks to phillipes & Talisen for the cast & painting tips respectively.
As others have done, I've sacrifced the knurled thumbscrews which were beyond salvage to my mind.
Just got to apply some heat treatment to sort out a slight case of banana-barrel.
The wood grips are not clearcoated - the shine is wax polish, so it will dull naturally.