xmen movie costume

does anyone have the patterns or what was used for the xmen costumes? or does anyone have a cheap set there looking to get rid of so i can tear it apart and make my own sewing pattern
so i can tear it apart and make my own sewing pattern

That's the equivalent of recasting. I suggest you make your own pattern, make it better than anything we've seen yet and everyone including yourself will be even happier.:thumbsup
If on the other hand someone is selling patterns then that's a different story...no I dont know anyone, but ripping apart someone elses hard work so you can 'make it your own' is wrong....and for this you get the thumbs down. :thumbsdown
It took me 2 months to pattern my first Xmen suit from watching the DVD. Reading that one can just rip it apart to make their own patterns is worrysome.

well my intent wasnt to steal some one elses style, i am actually not making a xmen costume... i wanted to make a similar style cap costume, but i cant get the pant ribs and lining right, and the jacket shoulder and arm ribs are the same, so it was more of a what kind of stitching was used, like if i wanted to make or fix a car engine i would need to take it apart, but i can see where you are thinking that i would want to take someone elses product and steal their ideas, soooo with that let me back up... take a deap breath... and say... first im sorry... and...
im making a cap costume and would like to style it after the Xmen movie costume but i am having a hard time with some of the stitching, is there anyone could help out, maybe better or closer pics of the arms and leg ribs? also its like a kick in the teeth (for the better though) from a talented artist lol...

That's the equivalent of recasting. I suggest you make your own pattern, make it better than anything we've seen yet and everyone including yourself will be even happier.:thumbsup
If on the other hand someone is selling patterns then that's a different story...no I dont know anyone, but ripping apart someone elses hard work so you can 'make it your own' is wrong....and for this you get the thumbs down. :thumbsdown
It took me 2 months to pattern my first Xmen suit from watching the DVD. Reading that one can just rip it apart to make their own patterns is worrysome.


Sorry bub, that is what the forum is all about. "REPLICA" prop forum. Recreating items mostly created by other people than ourselves.

I say, help the brother out. Someone here surely can help him out. Since when do we as a Forum give a flying crap about sharing patterns???
(n)thumbsdown Two thumbs down for not helping other members on something as simple as a costume.

That's the equivalent of recasting. I suggest you make your own pattern, make it better than anything we've seen yet and everyone including yourself will be even happier.:thumbsup
If on the other hand someone is selling patterns then that's a different story...no I dont know anyone, but ripping apart someone elses hard work so you can 'make it your own' is wrong....and for this you get the thumbs down. :thumbsdown
It took me 2 months to pattern my first Xmen suit from watching the DVD. Reading that one can just rip it apart to make their own patterns is worrysome.

How many pro costume makers learned some traits by breaking down garments in their past? I sew a little and learned like that along time ago. I'm no where NEAR great quality as Dave, but I'd like to think that I'm not the only one who has learned a bit from looking at other things?

If you interested learning in simple sewing for a one of a kind thing, then google might be your best bet. Just search for the things in generral you're looking to do on the various things in your creation, and you should find it. Meaning, how to's on sewing piping, different cuts, seams, etc.

Also, anyone that distributes their own product into "the wild" runs a chance of it being counterfeit. It has happen to me personally a few times, but I knew that MAY happen when I released things to the unknown/public.
How many pro costume makers learned some traits by breaking down garments in their past? I sew a little and learned like that along time ago. I'm no where NEAR great quality as Dave, but I'd like to think that I'm not the only one who has learned a bit from looking at other things?

If you interested learning in simple sewing for a one of a kind thing, then google might be your best bet. Just search for the things in generral you're looking to do on the various things in your creation, and you should find it. Meaning, how to's on sewing piping, different cuts, seams, etc.

Also, anyone that distributes their own product into "the wild" runs a chance of it being counterfeit. It has happen to me personally a few times, but I knew that MAY happen when I released things to the unknown/public.

Using Google to learn simple sewing is a great idea. Taking someone's garment apart to copy it isnt. Havving said that, irishamericanlad thanks for elaborating on your initial post. Chuck, no the RPF is for making your own replicas...not taking someone elses apart to copy. I beg to differ.

Anyone that distributes their own product into the wild runs the risk of getting it copied...and we all know that....but since when does the RPF condone this? Copying a jacket or recasting a replica helmet is no different.

I 'm somewhat disturbed that some might think it OK to rip apart another members garments to copy them but NOT OK to recast a helmet.

ok i don t want this thread to turn sour for anyreason, i thank you guys for your help, and David i greatly admire your work and was not intending on any foul play, though i know that taking apart a pair of pants is an easy way to learn the patter, i didnt think about the personal costume aspect... so lets not get any kind of back and forth on my part and lets call this the, i got an ideaa of what i need so far LOL

Using Google to learn simple sewing is a great idea. Taking someone's garment apart to copy it isnt. Havving said that, irishamericanlad thanks for elaborating on your initial post. Chuck, no the RPF is for making your own replicas...not taking someone elses apart to copy. I beg to differ.

Anyone that distributes their own product into the wild runs the risk of getting it copied...and we all know that....but since when does the RPF condone this? Copying a jacket or recasting a replica helmet is no different.

I 'm somewhat disturbed that some might think it OK to rip apart another members garments to copy them but NOT OK to recast a helmet.

cool, i try and be 'user friendly' with everyone, and you were the last person i wanted to offend, i have been trying to save up for a looong while to get your mutant jacket, but every shield i sell goes to other things, and now im not a police officer (full time masters student) i am more and more up a creek without a jacket... LOL... but in all i would wrather commission you to do me a pimp costume but all i have is my industrial sewing machine and pictures and (now) a cold garage...
so im clear, your clear, everyones clear... wait, this isnt CPR, any way thank you for setting me north on this subject!

No more worries on my end Irish. :)

What kind of material are you planning on using? When I was doing my TWOK jacket, I used really cheap muslin at first and tweaked it bit by bit until it was ready to do a final jacket in my main fabric. That may be a good cheap way to figure out your pattern.
i was gonna use a cheap pleather to make the first one, then take it apart and make it a better actual leather... i am trying to figure out what is used for the side streatchy fabric...

What kind of material are you planning on using? When I was doing my TWOK jacket, I used really cheap muslin at first and tweaked it bit by bit until it was ready to do a final jacket in my main fabric. That may be a good cheap way to figure out your pattern.