Wow, my only creation has been recast!


Sr Member
Ebay user "global uplink uk" is selling a recast of my scratchbuilt Farscape communicator badge. It's very unique and easy to spot...the biggest tell is the Plastruct textured styrene I used for the center portion. Lonepigeon suggested it almost 3 years ago in this thread on the Farscape board.

The auction is here, and here's a picture of my dirty old mold:


I'm not really upset about the recast, since I haven't produced these in quite a while and probably won't again, but the description in the auction is worded just vaguely enough to make it seem like this is a cast of a screen-used item, or out of the production molds.

Makes me wonder about all that other stuff he's selling, like the obvious recast of the Creations Pulse Pistol for one...
I'm not really upset about the recast,

You....WE....Should always be LIVID when something is recast.

The very act of recasting hurts our hobby/industry as a whole because it slowly undermines the faith the artists have in producing anything for fear it will be stolen.

Pursue this jerk.
I guess I could send him a nasty-gram and see what happens, but given the sheer number of items he's pushing that are probably (definitely in a couple cases) recasts, I'm not sure it would do much good.

(edit) I'm editing this post five years later, because the thread won't die, and there was something here that I wish I hadn't said as I look back on it. So now it's gone.
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"As you know from my feedback all my movie prop kits are cleanly cast and highly detailed off the originals or out of the original movie moulds and this kit comprises of 3 parts that are shown below in the photo below."

no vague wording here, he clearly states its either cast of original or made using original movie molds...

report this punk
And this is the reason that I would never sell anything that I labored over. Some people just have no morals. All hail the mighty dollar.
Sorry to hear this Pilot. You were so generous when selling these. You sent me 5 of them for almost nothing.

It has been and will remain one of my most favorite props.


It's a shame to see that your prop was recast Pilot. It's pretty thick of people to steal other people's work and then offer it in such a public way--luckily it makes them easy to spot though.

Does anyone have any info on this individual? Name, screen-names, e-mail, anything. I'd like to put it in my personal files so I know not to do business with them. Feel free to PM me--I'd appreciate it.
damn, man i thought you knew about that...ive seen those things all over ebay for well over a year :(
global uplink uk has been mentioned here before as recasting someones items havnt they?
seems its all he does :unsure
He was gone from ebay for a long time and I had hoped the site had shut him down. Sad to see he's back. He's very much like the italian fellow who recasts rich's blaster in that he does not feel guilty for lying and recasting. Polite scum. :angry

I sent this message through eBay just now:

I see from your auction description - "As you know from my feedback all my movie prop kits are cleanly cast and highly detailed off the originals or out of the original movie moulds" - that you are mistaken about the actual origin of this item. It is most decidedly NOT from a screen-used item or mold.

Want to know how I know? Because *I* designed and built that replica from scratch.

I invite you to look at the very first badge that ever came out of my mold nearly 3 years ago:

I'm going to ask you politely to stop recasting my replica and selling it under false pretenses. You're undermining both my personal work and the integrity of the prop collecting community by describing and selling the item in this fashion.

Thank you.

We'll see what kind of response I get.
That seriously blows, I hope he does the right it sure is a nice prop, good luck with this Pilot.
Good luck. I hope he responds. You should notify ebay anyway, but I would not expect them to do much since you are not a VERO member.

Yet another example of a pathetic individual with no respect or sense of decency.

Too bad.... hope something can be done.
After seeing today's incredibly depressing list of recaster threads, I decided to revisit my case one more time. It appears as though the jerkweed in question is not only not selling my item anymore, but *all* of their auctions are down and their eBay store appears to be gone.

I don't know if they're just laying low for a while, or if my report to eBay had anything to do with it, but it seems they're off the market...for now, anyway.
Its a step in the right direction, at least. I hope that it was eBay who pulled him and not him just laying low. I have no tolerance for someone who takes credit for work they didn't do.