Wolverine's Jackets

Re: Wolverine's Jackets

cool site theman
is that the color they use for the standard x-1 jacket now @ vanson?
also on you intro it says welcome to "longans" closet
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

Thanks H8... Yeah, it's a WIP for sure(late nights lead to mispells), just needed to get it out there so people had a place to order them finally.
Just added the sizing selections and a sizing chart to give people some help. There's more to come!
That is the standard color through my orders set up with Vanson, since that is the closest matching colorset to the movie version.
You can still order any color combo you want though, and the entire color swatch set is on there to view...
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

I posted this in the Junkyard thread but should be stuck out here as well...
I did vanson swatch pics for a website and thought I'd post up a comparo shot for the Dark Brown and Brown Horsehide to show how similar they are...

These were taken in sunlight with no flash to give as accurate a color representation as possible compared to what I saw by naked eye in front of me.
The brown swatch in the comparo have all been sandblasted at the bottoms of the swatches to show how each kind and color of leather is affected.
You'll notice that the Horse and Dark Brown comp. both wear very similar due to them holding their color throughout the thickness of the leather, whereas the other browns tend to have the color wear off significantly due to the way they are dyed.

Re: Wolverine's Jackets

Well I've been talking with the pattern people @ vanson, finalizing the X3 replica jacket...and it should be going to production early this week.
I've got exacting details worked out and measured... This jacket will be accurate down the the 1/4 inch top stitching on the seams.
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

Good to see you back Gman...We got into some discussion on the AbbyShot over at Filmjackets.com, I was really hoping to see something better from them, as were many others. They do such accurate work typically. AbbyShot did at least add the shoulder stitch line detail, which is far better than any other attempts made by other companies so far. But the stripes are way too wide, placed wrong, and the color is a bit off. The front pocket zippers are a bit off as well. Then you get to the back and the have that seam straight down the center, way wrong. Also no blue in the cuff zipper gussetts.

Hey BTW did you ever put that stripe leather I sent you to use on the Wested you were planning? I still have yet to find that awesome color again! :)
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

looks good
why is it before the octagon looked like it was "red-er"
hows the feel of the leather?
it looks kina brittle

are they going to keep the gussets gold?
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

This is the "before" Octagon from years ago, their first actually... since this is Vanson's demo jacket they keep in house. It hardly ever sees the light of day actually and spends most of it's life on a hanger.
The more red octagon you are referring to is the current Octagon which has lightened and changed in color over the years due to the way the dying factory has done things.

The leather feels awesome, absolutely the best fitting jacket I've ever worn.
I'm not sure how you see it as "brittle" but to me it feels like it lays just right and will keep me free of roadrash if I ever took a spill on a bike.
I do think in it's non-weathered state it looks more like how the X2 Wolverine jacket leather lays in photos.

The colored sleeve gussets are because that's how the OG Wolf model used to come... I have since changed the standard jacket to come with Dark Brown for the body and sleeve gussets for all the orders done through me & my site.
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

My X1 vanson before weathering

And my ultimate X1 version by vanson after weathering.


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Re: Wolverine's Jackets

Wow, what a difference the weathering makes. Looks fantastic. The striped detail turned a more accurate looking gold too.
I am assuming you lightly sanded for some of the weathering...but what did you do for the stains, etc.
Can we see some close ups of the stripes etc?
Great job.
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

Wow... I'm speechless. That truly is the ULTIMATE X1 Wolverine jacket! An absolutely amazing job. I can't believe how much that octagon turned gold.
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

tictoc - More like sandblasting! :) I strategically blastbeeded the whole jacket. A lot in areas like the stripes, and high wear areas, a little in places you tend to see less wear. I will get some closer shots for you... The rest of the look came from wearing it in the rain all last week and even sleeping in it at the hospital while my youngest had to stay for about five days.

I'm glad you guys like it.
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

I'm definitely diggin' the modifications you made to the jacket with the weathering, particularly the color of the stripes.

I did notice all of your arm stripes are still intact. Could you not bring yourself to cut off the top left one? I'm not sure if I could do it...

All in all, looks FANTASTIC.

Re: Wolverine's Jackets

Thanks guys...
Yep the arm stripes are still intact... As I put it on filmjackets, my OCD for the details is still battling it out with my OCD for symmetry! ;)
Re: Wolverine's Jackets

My X3 prototype showed up today. Sorry for the crappy pics and bad lighting, better ones will be coming.




correct outdoor color shot...
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Re: Wolverine's Jackets

Actually I'll be taking orders now... I'm having a couple small changes being done to the pattern based off the prototype to make it even more accurate, those go into place this week so I can start putting orders in right away. I'll be adding an order page to the site tomorrow. These will be priced at $560 up to size 46.

A little back comparo as well...
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