Wolfman PF

Ricardo Lozaca

New Member
Hi Guys!

this is the start of my premium format figure, Benicio del Toro wolfman, where my intention is to make the skin in silicone Platsil Gel 10, apply real hair, resin tees and claws, and make real costume! I wait the commentaries!
Best regards for everybody!!
Ricardo Lozaca




Dude, that head is AMAZING!!! I can't wait to see where this goes! What will you be using as a body for these? I'm in the process of doing a figure as well but don't know where to start on the body form and it's slowing down my progress as I need to include the "attachment" to the head sculpt before molding...
Looks great!

I just rewatched that movie this afternoon actually. Every time I watch it, it grows on me.

When you say 'premium format', what scale are you working in? With a PF isn't it usually 1:4?
Put me on a list for a kit if there ever is one!

Great job and I too am a big fan of the movie.