
Active Member
Ok Guys so here goes i have attempted and begun the long journey of trying to follow the bdu dying directions off spatcave link http://www.colonialmarines.net/armor/tips.html

I can tell you this so far what you need is not completely correct on supplies

1. you need more than 10 packs of rit dye remover my bdus are 55 cotton 45 polyester and it took me 18 packs to litening my bdus to a good point of which to dye them

2. as for coloring word of advice use the lightest colors first in the mix and than as the dark as you go because i did the opposite not thinking being this was my first dye project i added my green first than my orange and if your locally stores are like mine standard green is not offered in rit dye you have to get only dark green which means double your orange

My suggestion for any future dyers is to buy four packs of orange and try two packs of orange first than sprinke the dark green in if the color gets to dark stop with the dark green and add a little more orange from one of your back up packs also word to the wise once you exposed your bdus remove them in atleast a 15 min window i had my mom assist me as she has dyed items before and with out knowing the true process and going off the box i left my bdus in the dy wash for 30 when i pulled them out and washed them they turned out to be brown.

So my next step was to add more dye remover to try and lighten them changing them from a brown hue to a orange yellow hue

So now im at a stand still sad thing is after all the rit dye i bought the cost of my bdus im up to what a regular set from MAA would have cost which is what i wanted to go with original but being impatient i decide to try this avenue.

Now i am needing assistance from anyone on the board that knows more than i do about dying bdus if anyone has any tips on how to get this strange orange yellow to the yellow cream hue the actually bdu color that it should be that be awesome and much appreciaited.

Pics below last pic is one that eagle posted a while back on what the bdu from Maa look like and so i was using that as my referance to the hue im trying to go for with the yellow i know this dying process is not going to produce same product but if i can salvage and get close that be great being how deep im in it now with cash spent. Hate to scrap it

Thanks in advance guys
Well, at least they're clean. :lol
Honestly, bro, with the time and money you've invested I would just suck it up and buy the MAA's. If you continue on your current route you will only invest more time and more money and in the end you won't ever be 100% satisfied. Even if you get your set close enough in color, your BDU's will quietly mock you every time you wear them.
Haha i know bro i was surprised when they came out and were not totally trashed,
ya i just sent MAA a email to see if i can get in contact with him, I know i would be over analytical(sp) on these bdus if i did get them to a better hue.

I think secretly those bdus have already started mocking me haha