wing hinge help for AMT ETRL original K-Bop


Well-Known Member
Hello there and salutations every body

I have had for almost five years had this Klingon Bird of prey model in my closet and I have been meaning to build her which after building a customized Military Helicopter have used up a good deal of my paints. But any ways. I have been wanting to make moving wing hinges for the bird of prey so that I could have them pivot in to combat, casual flight, and landing. but the thing is that I am stuck with the two choices of combat, and casual flight.

So does any one have any designs or know of something available that I could use to make this happen?

Here are my pictures down below.





There was an article many years ago in Fine Scale Modeler that addressed the hinge problem. It involved cutting each of the baffles out of a piece of separate styrene so that they moved across each other in a scissor like fashion. I cant remember the specifics or the issue number at the moment. If I run across the mag I’ll sent you the info. It may be faster for you to search out the article on Google or eBay though.

Spoke to Coby several years ago about the hinge kit, and at that time it wasn't in production any more.

That was a awhile ago though, so maybe things have changed....
I contacted him about 3-4 years ago about the kit and possibly scaling one up(at the time) for the WARP KBOP,but he didn't have the time to fiddle around with it.He was working on other projects.He might have a kit or two knocking around?
With the re release of the BOP, he may be interested in starting up production again. I have the (even older) vac formed KBOP, which has positionable wings. I'll have to start on that one of these days
I haven’t been able to find the magazine, but I did find a page on another site with the same basic idea. Hopefully it will give enough general info to scratch build the baffles to make the wings movable.


I PM'd Coby a number of months ago when I picked up an AMT/ERTL BOP model and he indicated he was thinking about doing another run of those.

I would love for that to happen. I need one!!