Willy Wonka Golden Ticket (Original) help?


Sr Member
Hey, I searched a few threads but didn't see anything about the original tickets. Does anyone know where to get one like the ones from the originals?
Here is one I did about 5 years ago. You can laser print it on gold foiled paper:

Very cool.

What places can laser-print to gold foil paper?

I tried Officemax, but they said they couldn't do it.

I don't know anyone that owns one either.

Any advice?
i would just ask around kinkos or even a local printer . they sell foil paper on a cardstock that might run through a normal printer.

( somehow i see some doing a run of these now that there is interest..lol)
Yeah, the woman at Michaels mentioned gold card stock, but I didn't think that's what was used from what I saw of the movie.
Cool, it looks like pretty thin foil in the movie. I guess I'll try the cardstock, thanks for the help!
What'd you use for yours?

I saw some nice gold paper, but it looks more like the ticket from Last Action Hero than it did the Wonka Ticket.

I found some great stuff, but no place would print on it, they said it'd melt in their printers, lol.
Sounds like they're using laser jet printers, then. The heat that's used to "seal" the toner to the page is probably what they're referring to. The gold foil paper that's been suggested is most likely designed for use in ink jet printers. As long as you have one of those, you should be good. :cool:thumbsup

This is a neat project, looking forward to seeing how it comes out. :cool

On a related subject, has any thought been given to making the golden ticket from the modern version (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, starring Johnny Depp)? :confused
i know in the past i have printed thinner paper by attaching it to cardstock with regular clear tape. then it would pull it no problem. i want to make one myself for my wonka auto collection
I used gold wrapping paper. It worked in my laser printer at work. But this was about 6 years ago.

I saw some good stuff, but it wasn't double sided. Was yours?

I tried taping it to a piece of white paper, but it didn't work, the foil as too thin.
Hi everyone,

has anyone been able to print one of these out. I was going to put a WTB thread out there for one. I was hoping on getting a replica made so i can have gene wilder sign it. Hes doing a book signing in NY this month. would be great to have.
