Will We See Welling in the Costume: Yes or NO

Believe me - my endorsement of Wellling has nothing to do with any amount of faith I have or have had in him at any time - it only shows my hatred for Returns and Zack Snyder runs much deeper.

And I just watched the "Air Force One" scene from the last episode and is it me or did it not feel like a mash up of the Returns airplane scene and Superman the movie's Air Force One rescue scene? Maybe it was intended to be just that - but kinda cheap way to treat a show that has ran for as long as it did.

And i agree with your points Wes - Smallville would bring a lot of baggage to a Superman movie. And YES Mike - the Williams music should have been nowhere near this show. When all the people are smiling and happy at the end i got wayyyy Lois and Clark for me.
There should be a secret government agency assigned to track down and eliminate people like this.

Do we really need a wack-a-doodle like this walking around?

...and over Smallville.

Why why why ...do I click on these and then have to watch ....man.
I guess the guy really liked the show but wow.
Thanks for sharing.
Sometimes I feel like a total hopeless nerd then I see something that makes me feel like I've got under control.
Plus, my moments aren't posted on Youtube...I'm just reminded by my friends year after year.
