Wich C3PO is this one?

Recast though it may be, still its posture is far more accurate and superior (in my opinion) to the complete FAIL known as the 2009 Sideshow Collectible C-3PO (the sale of Rebelscum.com's iCruise's #7 Sideshow came to fruition on 1/15 at http://cgi.ebay.com/Sideshow-Star-W...emQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2304c18ec9). With a slouched posture and arms completely out of proportion (again, I wish to state that this is my opinion), the only suggested fault with the item in question above is a similarly pronounced rim around the eyes, which the Sideshow also shares.
You couldnt GIVE me a SS Threepio or R2.

Looks like they Scanned, and grew a SUNSHINE VIDEO STORE VINYL TOY.

Total Crap.
No value?

And... how can i get a nice one? i mean, a Don Post recast...

Thanks guys


Ahhh ok, i get it now..... you were talking about the SS and not about the recast of the pics...right?

So how much will you pay for the one of the pics?

Thanks again


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Hahha yeah the SIDESHOW was the one I was speaking of.

I would have no clue was a DP recast would run.
Does it come with all the detail pieces(ie: Arm pistons, knee, neck, and the rest) or JUST the body? Would make a difference in what I'd pay. I think there are better ones out there. Just my opinion.
I've seen DP recasts go for $500 to $750 depending on if all the piston parts are there. Building a DP re-cast as your starting point will give almost exacally SS-3PO, if you catch my drift.
