Now this one takes me back - Custom tool


Sr Member
Guessing most people won't remember this guy! I don't recall the original creator's handle, but he sent one to me for collaborating on it with him. I can't even recall what contribution I provided, but none the less. I really wonder if these are even useful to people anymore. I used it for my Darth Vader ROTJ saber, but sat in a box since.
It’s a shoulder puller to make the bump for the red button and glass eye on a straight tube. They were very helpful 20+ years ago for making a homemade Graflex. I remember sending a tube to someone to pull some shoulders for me on my first Vader rotj stunt. Back when it was thought to be the hero.
It’s a shoulder puller to make the bump for the red button and glass eye on a straight tube. They were very helpful 20+ years ago for making a homemade Graflex. I remember sending a tube to someone to pull some shoulders for me on my first Vader rotj stunt. Back when it was thought to be the hero.
Thought it was something like that... :)
It’s a shoulder puller to make the bump for the red button and glass eye on a straight tube. They were very helpful 20+ years ago for making a homemade Graflex. I remember sending a tube to someone to pull some shoulders for me on my first Vader rotj stunt. Back when it was thought to be the hero.
I'm curious what people are doing these days given this one is 20+ years old. That really blows me away that it's been that long.
I remember those! I can't recall who made them though and I didn't end up getting one because I had just found a real Graflex.
It’s a shoulder puller to make the bump for the red button and glass eye on a straight tube. They were very helpful 20+ years ago for making a homemade Graflex. I remember sending a tube to someone to pull some shoulders for me on my first Vader rotj stunt. Back when it was thought to be the hero.
Remember the “sink tube” days?
YEA James Kenobi was the first to show me them. I never used one, but I did try tapping a tube without it.. stupidly useless hole

I imagine they worked really well, was it cranked by hand, or with a ratchet or power tool?
Still have mine! I used to sell a Vader ROTJ Saber kit from sink tube & resin bits. Spent more than a few nights pulling shoulders & hand filing those little rectangular holes!

Good Times!