Who will be first to do the new Robocop

Honestly I wouldn't mind making the helmet. I think its actually kinda cool!
Frankly, I just don't like it. So much about it strikes me wrong, and it's not "Iron Man" or "Dark Knight" stuff; the suit just doesn't sit well with me on many levels. As mentioned, it looks more like a "manned suit" than a prosthetic body. Additionally, the aesthetics just do not say "police officer" to me; it's more akin to to "cyber ninja gonna kill ya" or something. The color scheme doesn't work either: no contrast between to it; it's pretty much monochromatic. Also, the way the lines flow on the suit and are set just don't strike me well either. It looks too "organic" rather than machine-like.

Overall, it just doesn't say "Robocop" to me. I'll wait and see what more we find out about it, but at least this version of the suit seems to suck raw lemons.....
Its an iron man suit bottom line , "Legacy" really dropped the ball on this one........ It actually looks like they probably recycled iron man parts for this suit. What a total heap of $H!TE
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The original design is iconic. This design while being a decent body armor, is lazily conceived. It looks exactly as someone else put it, like a Cosplay Costume.
you know i like it i think it looks really cool. when they made the original movie they didnt have the ability to make a suit this cool looking or probably werent able to think "in 20 years i wonder what there image of the future will be like" are modern vision of the future and what makes something high tec is nothing like it was back then i mean look at start trec an iphone can do i siginificant amount more than a communicator. im going to give it a chance i think it could be really good and im glad there updating the suit. dont get me rong i loved the old one but i think it would look out of place in a modern movie cant wait to see this
The design itself I can live with to be honest. Yes it's not what we're used to, but with the advent of newer technology it would be silly to use the same premise as the old film. People would look at it and say "Why would they use steel when they could have used X?" etc, whereas back in the 80's it was a little more believeable seeing as many things we have these days just weren't available. But what DOES make me squirm a little is the colour scheme, I think that was one thing they could have stuck with. Make it the old school blue/silver colour and leave the visor black. That, to me, is what was iconic about Robocop, that and his voice/speech pattern lol.
I agree with P4r4dox86 about the color scheme being iconic but they could have also intregrated some of the old details in to the new suit but keep the new suit a futuristic design.

Firebapx - (not trying to jump on you so if it sounds like that, sorry) I don't think any of us are saying keep the exact same old suit in the new film but don't completely change it either (All thought we might all agree that the old suit is still bada$$). Of course in the 80's the old suit isn't futuristic to us because that was over thirty years ago. The old suit was futuristic then and the directors then never could have perdicted or thought of Wi-Fi or other stuff like that. The new film is futuristic to us like the originals were in the 80's. In thirty years from now that stuff will probably be outdated also and there will be a new concept of what is futuristic. The only thing were are saying is to keep some of the iconic look and feel of the old Robcop but still give it that new touch.
SDUK may be onto something, given the OmniCorp homepage - OmniCorp*-*Home Note the tagline - "Battlefield Tested." From what I'm gathering this time around, OmniCorp is a different entity than OCP from the original in that it's a DOD contractor.

As far as the suit goes, I don't mind it. Design concepts now are different from what they were in the 80's as to what futuristic would be. And if there are transformational capabilities in the suit, having a more "modular panel" look makes sense. I'm just concerned with the people who were jumping ship from production as it got rocky.

Also, if you look at the teaser for the suit, it's metallic and glossy, if not silver- http://www.omnicorp.com/images/video/projects.png
2. Agree with BlackKaos, a cop in Afghanistan?

Actually, there are lots of cops in Afghanistan:
US Navy Master-At-Arms
US Army Military Police
US Air Force Security Forces

They conduct law enforcement, force protection, canine ops (drug/explosives detection), counter-surveillance, counter-terrorism, etc, etc.
I like the look of it. Very similar to Iron Man though. Like mentioned above, the suit is just wrong for Robocop.
They should have at least some bits of the old suit, same visor or something.....Another pic:

I know that there are police in Afghanistan. Most of them are military police with some civilian police to assist in training Afghan police and other functions but the setting I think is so wrong for a Robocop movie.
did that much really change from when they made the original Robocop suit and The Iron man suit?

The suit's concept for connecting together and bulk is similar.

Not saying use the same design but an older style RobopCop look would still be relevant.

This is just so plain and boring. It looks like undersuit to be honest.
Crying for something cool to be added over it :(
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