Who will be first to do the new Robocop


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic from the set of the Robocop reboot...... who is gonna be first to attempt this? :)
I personally think it's more like a Batman suit lol.... looks cool but doesn't scream Robocop :/ although rumours are he goes through alot of changes in the movie.... I guess I will pass judgement when the movie hits the big screen....

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the funny thing is, that loads of talk backers are comparing it to the dk/r bat suit, yet back when the first pics for the dark knight were released, there were about a billion posts from people (all over the interwebs) saying that he looked like robocop, people aren't happy unless they have something to ***** about.

it has some interesting elements i think, and some little hints at the original costume in places but its hard to tell from a spy pic.
There are some more pics on this website:

First Look At The New Robocop Design, Car And… Wife [UPDATED] | Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors

I like the new suit's look by itself if I don't try and compare it to the old Robocop. The only thing that I don't like is the chest area, looks really flat. It needs to be stuck out a little more to give it a muscular look and not so compressed. I really like costumes that are black because they look bada$$ but I think that this one would look better with some of the old Robocop steel color..... I love the new police cars though.
MEH, i like it, nice suit, great design!.....but for ROBOCOP..??? hell no. I want my future of law enforcement to be bright and shiny!
I actually really like the new design. I do think it could be a little more silver/grey, but otherwise very cool. While I think it's an interesting design addition, I don't like that he still has a human hand exposed. I know he's supposed to go through multiple transformations in the film, so I'm hoping that they decide to "lose the hand" at some point in the film.
That police car is definitely badass...His suit could go either way for me. Clearly the director knows the visor and silver are iconic choices that should remain in place, right?:confused

I do appreciate the fact that the visor covers more of his face. I always figured that was his weak spot.
Appearantly the old suit makes an appearance


when they are making him, he supposedly resembles the original design to which they say 'he looks like an 80's action figure' and scrap the design.... that is what I heard anyway lol but I have also heard he has 4 designs throughout thw movie and something about transforming into attack mode normal mode and that when built he is supposedly dropped into Afghanistan to see what he is capable of .....
Actually I think it goes like this...Ocp pretty much KILLS Murphy so they can use his body to work on the new human/tech. Murphy is the 4th Robocop and is called the RC-2000. Murphy is exclusive to Detroit and is the first of many to come. Since he is the first, He'll be a cop, and if successful, the other Robos will be deployed over in Afghanistan. The transforming thing how ever isn't really a Transformers type thingy. He kinda "morphs" into his motorcycle kinda like a transformer and the texture of his suit will go from "nice and sleek" to "dark scary and hiding". Murph will also be able to tap into Wi-fi for what ever reason. Really I'm pretty interested about this new robo. That's what I like about this new Robocop..It seems to be completely new unlike other reboots that relies upon on the previous movie to make it "good".
Afghanistan? That is disappointing. Police and military are two completely different functions.
The only thing I can think of is that also might be where he faces ED 209 because I in the trailer it shows ED 209 in the desert destroying a tank ( Just speculation). If the movie is base in Afghanistan then I doubt its going to be worth watching.

I like Jason Hazelroth concept armor reboot silver and black better then this one. Who knows, Jason's concept suit might be the final stage of the suit in the movie which wouldn't be to bad.
1. Looks like eveyone's foam build suit before painting :lol
2. Agree with BlackKaos, a cop in Afghanistan?
3. Doesn't seem "robot" to me, more like manned-armor, the difference maybe shown with the way it walk.
4. Original Robocop had small opening for the eyes and black visor strip. this one is just look like a regular half-face motorcycle helmet with black visor.
5. Civilian law enforcement should be easy to spot, not in dark/black color with no badge/identification whatsoever, unless it is a special unit (like SWAT) or under special mission. How to differentiate a real cop with "vigilante" then?
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