White Vader from Infinities comic book makes appearance again


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But, but, he's grey :lol

Surely if you're going to do something out there like that, you'd at least try and get a good white. After all, it's a damned expensive project.


When I first saw it at Celebration, I thought it was an interesting concept. But the more I see it, the more it actually dislike it.
I think if the costume had been done in a more McQuarrie inspired look with a concept style helmet like the skecth shown in the auction, it may have had a broader appeal.

this was the inspiration

and no, its white...maybe just the lighting and camera without a flash makes it look cream colored.
and no, its white...maybe just the lighting and camera without a flash makes it look cream colored.

It's catching a lot of florescent light, but it is indeed white. I have the comic it appears in, and by very nature it's a silly concept. Vader changes the color of his outfit because he's "good now"? It's too blatant, too cheesy.
It's also a stupid gesture because, aren't the stormtroopers white?
they're evil aren't they??

He may as well have turned green! :rolleyes:rolleyes
Wouldnt a "good" vader still cad in black make people around him tremble in fear and remember all the things he did? A outfit turned white would make people think he's no longer the bad person he once was...I mean, black vs.white is symbolizm I think....black has always been the bad guy and white always the good guy..(except Will Smith in MIB, the good guys always dress in black)

Have you not heard of the white knight? I think any other color would have been bad...since he couldnt remove the life sustaining armor, he needed to do something to show his new way of thinking.

is making a white costume a gay idea? well, I doubt very many fans out there would know why it was done, and 90% would think it was stupid looking, but up to that point, no one had done it, so being original is still worth the applause.
Why not do a brown robed Vader then like all the other Jedi ? honestly the whole concept is dumb i'm not slagging the guy off who made the costume more the people that wrote the comic story it's just silly and does not fit within the Star Wars universe at all.
The good guys wear brown not white in SW.
Why not do a brown robed Vader then like all the other Jedi ? honestly the whole concept is dumb i'm not slagging the guy off who made the costume more the people that wrote the comic story it's just silly and does not fit within the Star Wars universe at all.
The good guys wear brown not white in SW.

You're reading into this too much, dude! :lol

SW EU is just silly...

And by the way, the Stormtroopers weren't evil -- they were just doing their job! :lol
Wouldn't it have been a better gesture had he changed to a less scary helmet/mask? I mean, the clown from IT was white, as you say Stormtroopers are white, polar bears are white (OK they're not evil but they're not exactly friendly either) uuhhh.. Ronald McDonald is mostly white and he's deffo evil!
Nah I don't like it and never will. It looks like some kind of prototype test fitting yet to be painted.