Where to find ''Time Machine'' Son of Filby dress

daska skirata

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I'm still working on my Nabrun Leids costume as seen in Star Wars, the cantina scene. (you know, the one with the big head and the gas mask)

I gave my process a break after giving up finding the perfect silver overall.
I mostly tought it was some kind of enviromental suit, some people tought it was a racing jacket.

This weekend, when I was watching the historical movie ''The Time Machine'' (the original) I saw the son of Filby walking around in the mid-sixties during a nuclear attack where he was wearing an overall probably used by the Civil Defense.

I wondered if any of you knows if they are for sale anywhere and what's the exact name.

You'e help means alot!

Greets, Geert
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Re: ''Time Machine'' Son of Filby dress

a very cool. Unfortunately I don´t know, but I will watch this thread with great interest