Where to find a Batman costume?


Well-Known Member
Hi all.I am starting a new proyect,a 1989(Keaton) Batman costume and I need some help,I would like where to find the parts to start/finish my costume.

Thanks fro the help.

You can look over at Brotherhood of the Bat. That's where I went to help assemble my bat costume, plus they'll help with any questions you may have.
I agree BOTB is a great place to start, ive been a a member over there for two years now and everyone is very helpfull. There are other Bat boards as well such as The Cave (also hosted on runboard) or try the league of heroes (a Yuku board) or prop trader (also Yuku)
Also i forgot to mention that all the web sites i listed require to register with their hosting services (runboard and Yuku)
both are about the same level of difficulty. Each has its own special this or that. The boots are the most difficult thing on the '89, IMO. If you need any help just ask me.
Thanks.My first question is.... where to find the parts?.

I think I´ll start with the cowl.

Thanks for your help.
Hit up Reves666's website, he is a fantastic sculptor and i believe(but don't quote me) that he has done both the 89 and Forever cowl. And get urethane, it holds up better than latex if you plan on wearing it(IMHO)