What's up with Mythbusters?

Just getting worried that they've run out of stuff to blow up.. The last few episodes have all been remixed stuff. Busters Cut editions and stuff..

Adam, please tell me you guys are just having a good vacation..:confused
I believe the new toy is the live show 'Wootstock" that Adam is hosting with Wil Wheaton and Paul and Storm. It's an evening of songs, readings, comedy and short films, and I think the next show is July 22nd in San Diego. Wish I could go see one of these... guess I'll just have to be patient for Dragoncon..

The website for this is under construction, but you can keep up with the shows by follwing the Twitter feed: wootstock (wootstock) on Twitter

BTW if you haven't heard Adam's stand-up act he did in April for the Nerdist podcast, it's a riot, i just came across this recently:Nerdist Podcast #10: Live @ Largo w/ Adam Savage! [NSFW]
I've been pushing that podcast on just about everyone I know who I thought would be vaguely interested. Very awesome.