What was your first homemade prop?

this I made when stargate first came out In 97 I was 9

Mine was a paper Batwing from the 1989 Batman movie, I was 6 at the time and could only watch about half of it because my Mom kept covering my eyes.
tron legacy siren disc was my first. nothing as complex as some of you kids, but fun nonetheless...
Cardboard TNG medical tricorder using the Tech Manual and some quick grabs I could get using... yes... VHS. It was far from accurate. It amazes me what we came up with before the internet.
It was probably my first Imperial Officer rank badge. It was a captain's badge with 3 red and 3 blue. Took me a while to get things right with it and I used some aluminum that was way too thick so cutting it was a pain (I only have a dremmel and hacksaw). It turned out well I think,straight and mostly clean with one or two glue spots. First time I wore it with my then still somewhat under construction uniform was at Star Wars in Concert. As I was walking down the stair to get to my seat after taking many photos with people I slipped on a step and the jolt was enough to loosen my badge and send all six buttons flying off in many directions when it hit the ground. I later made a new badge, a better one. Oh and I had the same things happen to me twice at ComicCon with an Admiral Motti badge I bought. Thankfully CV went just fine while wearing my new badge. Survived me running around during laser tag even. Well running as fast as an officer can while maintaing a imposing demeanor and not slipping on the smooth floor in evil English riding boots.
Two days after opening, i made Lukes light saber out of a cut down broomstick, wrapped the handle in black and grey electrical tape, put on my karate outfit, never learned,
just had the outfit and wrapped bandages around my legs to the knees and roamed the neighbourhood. Happy Times.
If i did it now, id be capsicum sprayed.
Well I attempted to make a custom hardware lightsaber. I stayed at the hardware store for nearly an hour looking for the right parts to use and the shop assistant thought I was a pick-pocket haha...but I paid for lots of stuff at the counter at the end of the day....those were the days :)
Either nunchucks based on Michelangos or cardboard batarangs traced off the old kenner toy just so I had a few more for my batman costume as a kid. I wore out the old Returns costume in 1st and 2nd grade playing pretend after school.

That subsided till I was 12-13 then I tore apart an old broken folding chair and made lightsabers out of the tubing.
Very cool thread. I love it.
I guess my first was this robot costume from a famous German TV serie, called "Robbi Tobbi und das Fliewatüüt". My father and I did it together when I was 8. It was in the year 1982

I was a star with it, as I can remember. It consisted a ringing housebell and the red right was able to glow up. Another gadget was the removeable oil can, that I used to oil my limbs. (It was empty of cause)

I guess that my second prop was the peg leg from Captain Red, from the Roman Polanski movie "Pirates". Again it was a project, I did together with my father. It was 1986.

I had to learn to walk with it. And I practised hard over half of a year until my walk perfect (and my parents neary went deaf fromthe noise it made). I even was able to climb onto chairs, up and down the stairs and tables with it. I was really proud of me back then.
I remember a local carneval party where I frightened many little children to death. So that their parents asked my mother if her son will be there on the next party. They wanted to know, becaused if come back, their children will refuse to come next time, because the had nightmares. That was the reason why I didn´t came back to the next party.

I still love this move "Pirates". Although I ruined my right knee with this leg, back then. It still makes cracking noises sometimes, since then.
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My first homemade prop that was probably a Lost In Space laser pistol made out of Tinker-Toys... obviously not very accurate, but when you are 9 or 10, imagination makes up for a lot of inaccuracy. However, the first prop I remember making that actually came out looking like it was supposed to was a tribble, made when David Gerold's book about the Trouble With Tribbles came out. A friend and I made several and a couple years ago he sent me a photo he had taken way back then.


The cat lounging with the creatures was really named "Trouble", so this is officially a photo of "Trouble, with Tribbles."
Does using a towel as a cape count?

My first prop was a Rambo knife made from broken wooden venetian blinds (for the blade) and a stick from the yard (for the hilt). It was painted with some silver testors model paint and I think the handle was wrapped with electrical tape. It looked great for my first prop, but I played with it a lot and it broke. I was around 10 I think. I remember the cop stopping at my house and trying to "calm me down" because I was chasing my brother around the yard with a huge "knife".
My first prop was a Vader outfit I made back in the mid 90's The Chest Armor and Cod piece were made out of Car mats,Vinyl and silver fabric. I reversed the fabric on the Cod Piece because ,It was black on the back side. The Belt was an ammunition belt from Walmart, The Belt Boxes were made from project boxes from Radio Shack. I put four old machine buttons on the that were able to be lit,Part of a Popcicle stick and silver thumb tacks. The chest Box I also got from Radio Shack. I put three clear disposable razor covers for the coin slots, Two long and large knitting needles for the rods and dominos covered in colored electrical tape for the bottom switches. I used black costume pants and a black turtle neck shirt for the body suit.Two Halloween capes and a very inaccurate early Don Post Vader mask. I had a pair of Vader gloves I bought at a costume shop and a pair of black dress boots.
the first prop I´ve made for myself was my ESB Vader belt...and it´s a piece of my actual costume :)
When I was 12 or so, I made a Star Trek TOS insignia badge from gold Sculpy, using the Star Fleet Technical Manual as a guide. I wish I knew where it has disappeared to . . .
Would have been no more than 10years old. Made a proton pack out of cardboard box and a working ghost trap from an old tissue box. You'd open the doors on the trap, and with a gentle pull on the piece of string the followed down the to the pedal, doors would close.

I never did find out what happened to these. They just vanished one day.

First real replica prop would have been my chainsaw from Evil Dead 2 constructed from a real Homelight. Unfortunately I couldn't get a hold of an XL so I settled for a Homelight 240. They still look exactly the same however, the XL (as the name suggests) is just a bit bigger. Had a couple of buttons built into the handle on the inside, one would activate the start up sound and the other was for the revving of the engine. Must say though it didn't leave a lot of room for your hand in there with all that lol.
When I was 9 I made a medical tri-corder out of cereal boxes, sticky tape and felt tip pens oh and a magnet to hold it closed, It was awesome, well to me at the time anyway. I made it with several displays that could be slipped in and out and the reader piece had in it a little torch from a christmas cracker that I could light up when taking my families stats, lol. No Pictures unfortunately.
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