What vacuum pump do you use to draw air out of silicone?

Two old beat up generic AC service pumps I picked up at garage sales for a few bucks...

I've heard of something like that and that it worked pretty well. May be days, weeks, or never before I find something like that at a yard sale. I was looking for something that is available in store on online.
I was looking for something that is available in store on online.

Like I said AC service pumps... I'm not talking about ripping a condensor pump from an AC unit, I'm talking about he vacuum pumps used to service AC systems...

Pumps like these, also linked above now...


2.5 CFM Vacuum Pump

Be it brand new or used...
if you are doing up small batches of silicone, the food saver containers work great.
Please, people, cut back on the vac pump jokes :rolleyes Not even Austin´s very own movie prop vac pump has a place in this thread. Oh my, I can see a prop research thread coming up...