What to make a tactical vest out of?


Active Member

I wanna make a simple bane ish tactical vest, but dunno what to use as the base material. a quick google says cordura, but i cant find anywhere inthe uk that sells it!

it doesnt have to be cordura, so long as it looks the part its all good. i need it in olive and tan, anyone know where i can get some?
Give cotton duck, a heavy cotton twill or nylon canvas a try.
If you can't find the base fabric online or at a local store... get some duffel bags and cut them up.
Is Bane's vest Kevlar (bullet resistant)?

Have a look into high end sports bags like the ones used for scuba diving. The one I have is (I believe) made from Cordura because of its high tensile strength. It can be loaded right up and won't easily rip. Whilst mine is black and purple, I am sure you can find one in tan or olive drab.

Light weight canvas might also work.

I want to make (at some point) a replica of the John Matrix vest from COMMANDO and it seems to be a type of woven mesh (presumably with Kevlar fibers woven in). The closest thing I have found to this (from the select images I have) is a heavy gauge screen door mesh called "pet mesh".

I wanna make a simple bane ish tactical vest, but dunno what to use as the base material. a quick google says cordura, but i cant find anywhere inthe uk that sells it!

it doesnt have to be cordura, so long as it looks the part its all good. i need it in olive and tan, anyone know where i can get some?

Condura is just a type of nylon fabric, i believe it to be a brand possibly? Just look for nylon fabric.
turns out there is a fabric store in my area. I think the easiest thing to do would be to by the toughest roughest white cottom material they have, then dye some olive and some tan.

What sort of glue is mest for gluing fabric? (as i woud have to glue the "armour" to it (armour is likely to be foam or wood)