What to do with this.....Colt Peacemaker!!


Sr Member
Hey all,

Just at the very beginning of my replica prop obsession, i bought, what was advertised as a blank firing replica of a Colt peacemaker from a UK website who dealt in replica firearms.

Now this was many years ago, well before the ridiculous new UK gun laws.

So i have had this for some time gathering dust, and wondered, what can i do with it........?

Can i turn it into something resmbling a pistol from a western movie by changing the grips etc etc.

Any ideas would be appriciated.

And seen as how i know nothing about real firearms, can someone please confirm this is or resembles a colt peacemaker.


It does look like a Colt Peacemaker and you don't even have to change the grips if you don't want too.
Well, you can always use it as a peacemaker (in TONS of westerns), or you can sculpt up some grips and turn it into a Brisco County Jr revolver. Ivory grips that are sculpted like dragons.

Either way, it's awesome.
That is what a Colt Peacemaker with a 5.5 inch barrel looks like. it's missing two set screws that are positioned over the trigger and midway between the trigger guard and grip. The heads would be on the opposite side and the ends would be visible on this side. The grips are correct for that era. This was a mass produced sidearm and there was nothing fancy to the stock models. If you change anything it would be the finish. Few were nickel plated. If you want others go to Heartland USA, this cheesy gift catalog site, they have Denix replicas that you can load with dummy rounds. They look good and the month before last they were on sale for $30. They only have the grey gunmetal finish ones. Mine shipped with no mention of what was in the package, so you might not have a problem. They are the right weight and size, and damn close to the real thing with out shelling out $600+. Close enough that all the Cowboy - Gun spinning Guys i talked to use em in parks and at shows. Teaching myself tricks I couldn't justify dropping something nicer. Got dummy rounds off ebay cheap.
I've seen pewter and/or silver cobras on the internet for inlaying into the grips to create a "Man With No Name" pistol. Give the metal some sort of dark wash to simulate 1870s blueing and mount the cobras on the grips and put it in a case with a green serape and a leather gauntlet - instant Clint Eastwood display.
Thanks Brad.
I'm not sure about the remake to be honest, but I love that gun with the flashing (red, with a bleep??) battery warning.
Anyone got any caps?
i've decided to leave the colt pretty much untouched.

I may change the grips for an ivory coloured type, with perhaps my own little stamp on each side, not quite sure what yet.

However until i get around to that, i may just paint the trigger, hammer and screws, and try to achieve a more authenic look.

One thing i surely would love is a brown leather holster rig, with dummy rounds, to house it in.

Thanks for all the ideas, comments and suggestions.

i've decided to leave the colt pretty much untouched.

I may change the grips for an ivory coloured type, with perhaps my own little stamp on each side, not quite sure what yet.

However until i get around to that, i may just paint the trigger, hammer and screws, and try to achieve a more authenic look.

May I suggest perusing the following manufacturer's site for nice pictures to use a base for your accurizing job?


In addition to the action screws, you may wish to scribe in the lines between the frame and the gripframe - on the originals, they were different pieces screwed together - you'll see that in the color differences on the pictures above. There's also a few screws on the underside of the triggerguard holding the gripframe onto the frame proper - I imagine a websearch will turn up those details for you. Looking for gunsmithing information on trigger/bolt spring replacement for "SAA" and "Colt" should turn up scads of information for you. Due to some fragile springs in some reproductions, it's a not uncommon task for owners to do.
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i've decided to leave the colt pretty much untouched.

I may change the grips for an ivory coloured type, with perhaps my own little stamp on each side, not quite sure what yet.

However until i get around to that, i may just paint the trigger, hammer and screws, and try to achieve a more authenic look.

One thing i surely would love is a brown leather holster rig, with dummy rounds, to house it in.

Thanks for all the ideas, comments and suggestions.


I wouldn't paint it, I don't think that it would look convincing enough. I would see if you can't either get a bluing kit or a couple bottles of bluing touch up fluid, or something else that would more closely simulate bluing.
Yeah. If it's anything like my Bruni 92F blanker then it'll be cast zinc (pot metal), in this case chromed.