Sr Member
Hey all,
Just at the very beginning of my replica prop obsession, i bought, what was advertised as a blank firing replica of a Colt peacemaker from a UK website who dealt in replica firearms.
Now this was many years ago, well before the ridiculous new UK gun laws.
So i have had this for some time gathering dust, and wondered, what can i do with it........?
Can i turn it into something resmbling a pistol from a western movie by changing the grips etc etc.
Any ideas would be appriciated.
And seen as how i know nothing about real firearms, can someone please confirm this is or resembles a colt peacemaker.
Just at the very beginning of my replica prop obsession, i bought, what was advertised as a blank firing replica of a Colt peacemaker from a UK website who dealt in replica firearms.
Now this was many years ago, well before the ridiculous new UK gun laws.
So i have had this for some time gathering dust, and wondered, what can i do with it........?
Can i turn it into something resmbling a pistol from a western movie by changing the grips etc etc.
Any ideas would be appriciated.
And seen as how i know nothing about real firearms, can someone please confirm this is or resembles a colt peacemaker.