What to do with a helmet from WWII?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I know these aren't real props, but I really really liked the outcome of these (especially of the second one), and so I just wanted to share it with you.

As you can see from my profile, I'm from Germany (near Cologne), and here the carnival has a long and colorful tradition, so me and a group of people started six years ago to build a float and joined the Rosenmontagszug (a parade held on monday, for those of you who never heard of that).

Last year, our topic was "Romans", so I dressed up as some kind of centurio, and all I still needed was a helmet. I looked on ebay for replicas, but they were freaking expensive, regarding that I would wear it for only about 4 hours or something. I didn't like the helmets you could buy in costume shops either, as they just looked cheap. Two days before the parade, I got the idea: I took an old WWII-helmet, covered it with newspaper-pages (to protect it from getting dirty or something) and plastered these with plaster-bandage from the pharmacy. Then i trimmed it into form to look more like an imperial gallic and painted it with silver spraypaint. The crista was made out of foam, painted and hotglued to the helmet.

I know, it isn't accurate at all, but for something done within two hours, I don't think it is that bad.

This year, my group decided for the topic "Wine" (as our city has a vineyard recently), so I decided to costume as a wine bottle. I made a costume to give me the form of a bottle (it actually somehow looked like a long dress :lol), but I needed something on my head that looked like a bottleneck to give me the proportions of a real bottle.
So I took my helmet again and started with some layers of paper-maché. After 5 layers or so, I attached some kind of grid (the blue thing on the last picture) that is normally used for plastering walls. I formed a pipe out of it, put it on top of the helmet and put on more layers of paper-maché. To give it some more stability, I flilled it up with expanding foam, which also had the advantage that the top (after cutting and sanding the edges) looks like cork.
A little paint job, two holes for the strap, et voilá.

What do you think of it?
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nobody likes it or wants to say something? or is the title just too confusing? (actually, i don't know how to change the thread's title)
That's a world war one helmet. Where did you get it? Was that original paint on it?

well, i dont know that much about helmets, i just searched for these ones on wikipedia, and it said that the German Wehrmacht used them during world war two (please have in mind that i'm from Germany, and that this is a German helmet). and as the helmet has a swastika on the other side, i just thought that it is a world war two helmet (although someone could just have painted it on)
original paint? well, it has this white lines and the 41 on it, the rest was (or still was, as i'm not sanding it) rusty, so i can't say much regarding the paint
and where i got it from? well, everyone has his little secrets ;)

Your projects are nice, but you are working on an pretty expensive original war helmet.

yes, i know that, but i try to protect it as good as i can from getting in contact with paint, glue or plaster. besides, i don't want to sell it, so the price doesnt matter that much for me