What paper prop would you like to see?...


Master Member
I am taking requests for paper props that a large concensus would like. Make your case here!

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Re: What paper prop would you like to see...buy?

I wouldn't mind a copy of the newspaper from the end of Resident Evil :)
Re: What paper prop would you like to see...buy?

The Elise McKenna portrait from Somewhere in Time!!

This one hits close to home. It was my late fathers faviorite movie. I'll see what I can do.

Here is the book from the non-screen used version.

E-mail me at jedifyfe@hotmail.com for the full size version





Re: What paper prop would you like to see...buy?

I'd like to see the Heroes 'Activating Evolution' book cover and the Smallville 'Time' "Heartbreak in the Heartland" cover. I have a pretty pixellated version of the Time cover and would like to print off a couple in high-rez w/o the jaggies.
Re: What paper prop would you like to see...buy?

I second and third the Heroes "Evolution" book cover. I have at least two people wanting those. :)

Re: What paper prop would you like to see...buy?

screen accurate Goonies treasure map and Chester Copperpot article.
Re: What paper prop would you like to see...buy?

This one?


That would be the one. A few months back, a member requested that we did not buy the ones available on Ebay because they were recasts of his work. I believe that there was a little interest for a run but I guess not enough.
I've wanted this one for years.
Re: What paper prop would you like to see...buy?

Personally, I'd like either of these:

Hellboy newspaper (from the first movie) where he's been spotted.

Nice, clear, glossy b/w photo of young Hellboy with the troops.

But I'm probably in the minority. :cry
Re: What paper prop would you like to see...buy?

I'd like the cover to The Orchid Theif used in Adaptation with Susan Sarandon's photo on the back.
Re: What paper prop would you like to see...buy?

I just want to add, for those of you that don't already know... Brad does AMAZING work. I have had nothing but great experinces with his professionalism in shipping, communication, and accuracy. So, whatever he ends up making will we great.