What movie is this knife from?

franz bolo

Sr Member
I found one of these knives and remember someone posted about it a while back.

I can't find any info though. Anyone have any idea what it was from?



Ooo..ooo... I know.

Not because I'm a knife guy but because it happened to be thrown by Devon Aoki, one of my favorite actresses (such a cutie). It looked like one half of a pair of scissors. (So a half of a pair makes it a scissor?)

I think it was the movie "War" with Jet Li and Jason Statham.
BTW, that Japanese actor who just avoided the knife throw... I don't know if that's the same actor who played the Japanese-descended truck driver in HEROES who picked up Hiro and Ando, but responded to their Japanese by saying, "Whoa, whoa... hold your horses, amigoes!"