What kind of wood is this?


Sr Member
This is the best picture I could find. It is an extreme close up (the sample in this picture's true width is about a 1/2") but I thought it would help. It's for a wand.

I thought it might be a bird's eye maple, but it seems a bit too dirty.
Most of the time it's easier to identify wood from a distant picture, do you have one that isn't so close?
The texture is really weird--like it was weathered with a wire wheel or something.

There doesn't really seem to be a grain pattern, just this weird surface texture. So I'd guess pink ivory, weathered.

But not seeing the wood in context makes it pretty much impossible to identify--what's the lighting, what's the color bias of the shot, etc.?
Here it is shrunk down and lightened to what I think is the original size:
Hey, I could've made the thread title "What kind of hard wood is this?"
Bubinga is much darker than the prop sample shown.

If the color is natural, then maybe a light example of pink ivory, but otherwise I'd say a slightly stained very light wood like European sycamore (a soft maple which is very light in color) or holly.
From that pic it could be everything... I was thinking at both mahogany or ebony, but it's to hard to tell... Sorry :(
You guys have given me some good places to start -- I guess I'll buy some pen blanks and hope for the best.