We are planning to add a Master Bedroom and a Theater onto the first floor our house in the next 5-10 years.
Currently we have a separate room dedicated to displaying our Star Wars Collection.
Once the addition is built that room will be come a computer room an the Theater will have our collection displayed across the front and down the sides.
I decided along time ago to sell off a lot of the collection to pare it down to the stuff we really like, which is Blasters/Sabers and Ships/Vehicles.
It's just a lot of work and it's something you don't do hastily.
To date I have not regretted any of the decisions I made but Kitt has, she gets upset when I sell something that she thinks I really liked because she thinks it means more to me then it does.
For example, I sold my Real Sterling E-11 because I knew I could get an MR for a lot less, she thinks I should have kept the conversion since I built it but to me there isn't that much of an attachment to it, I have the "I built it once I could build it again" mentality.