What is the best Ep III Clone Armor?


Sr Member
Ok, I've caught the clone bug and want to put together a nice costume...

BESIDES Clonesix armor(which I know is sweet and would absolutely love to have(hint, hint, if you see this clonesix :))), what is the best Episode III Clone armor out there?

You can use abbreviations or PM me if you wish, but I'm just asking for a general idea of what I should be looking for. If you would like to help me further, be my guest, I would be most appreciative. :)

Thank you,

Once i get my Vader to a point where i am semi-happy (its never eally completed)......i am undecided as to eith go clone or storm trooper.

I would like to see whats out there for clone armor (all i have seen are the helmets so far) to help me in my decision making.
Hmm, I know a guy that is making fan-made clone armor that will rival (or excede) Clone6's in quality. I met Clone6 at Celebration 3 and I complimented him on his suit, and he said..."yeah, thanks." and turned away. I believe he only makes for a super short list. I asked 2 years ago and got a blunt "No. I do not sell armor, good bye."

Anyway, I know of 4 (out of 5) of the best clone armor makers (and I am very friendly with 3), as well as 2 of the best fan-made helmet makers (both friends too) on www.clonetroopers.net forum, you know, since I am the detachment artist there.

So, I will put the appropriate recommendations in for you guys, specifically, on that forum. AND, I believe, all of them have been watching the attention to detail in regards to the fan-made helmets.

Well, I will give them a heads up, so to say. If they can't help you, keep trying with C6. Best of luck.


Here is a brief gallery...




My conversion to Vader's Fist...


My suit is a combination of 4 fan-made armorer's components, and some parts made by me. I sent the armorers, who I know, e-mails with the names of the interested parties from this string. So, really, best of luck.

As far as clone trooping... My suit has been well received, and I won 1st place in a Halloween costume contest this year against over a dozen pro-level costumers. You know, it really felt good. Though, I was wearing a fan-made helmet...shoot, it is all fan-made.

Regards and Good Hunting.

And you the same for clone6? I read your posts (flames) on TDH on the clone armorers. Seems the CoC works business as usual there. Open flames are prohibited there...right?


As a matter of fact, true, some components of my suit are MG, but it is a work in progress by other armorers components as well. But the juicy part is there is a new armorer (well, 2) that makes similar or better armor than C6...and without the condescending, elite, and reclusive attitudes. Watch for a full revision of my suit.

And if you like, tell clone6, I was the person (since he was wondering in open forum who he had wronged) he was rude to... right to my face at Celebration 3 (and I was in a tee-shirt and jeans and no clone armor)...


And that story is not the only one. Oh well, so over that, just working on refining the grand army's options.

Good to see you goat, been a while. I missed your sharp wit.

Although I have only had a few email exchanges with Clone6 I found him both times to be patient and courteous....sorry you didn't have the same experience but I think it was the exception and not the norm.

I owned a Glover suit and was VERY happy with it and I believe people were adequately impressed.


My posts on TDH were not at all flames. Glover owes people product or refunds and has for sometime. His attitude towards recasting others work is reprehensible.

Furthermore Glover is a banned member here with good reason. If you choose to deal with him you do so at your own peril.
Originally posted by darthgoat@Jan 2 2006, 11:56 AM
Glover owes people product or refunds and has for sometime.  His attitude towards recasting others work is reprehensible.

Furthermore Glover is a banned member here with good reason.  If you choose to deal with him you do so at your own peril.

Darthgoat is right... Mike G. is banned from the RPF. Please do not attempt to generate sales, advertise, or tout his products here.

RPF Staff
With respect, rocketeer25, it was Darth Goat that brought up the "Glover" issue. He said I was Shilling for him. Please note in my posts prior to that, there was no mention by name of any of the component makers of my suit (which contain parts from 4 individual and distinct makers), and after I was spurned by goat, I did say there were "MG" components in my suit. And by acronym only.

rocketeer25, this is a personal thing, not an objectivity argument. Goat has a past TDH vendetta with me for some reason.

And if you read deeper in my posts about my suit and plans moving forward, please note...
"As a matter of fact, true, some components of my suit are MG (<-AGAIN, ACRONYM ONLY), but it is a work in progress by other armorers components as well. But the juicy part is there is a new armorer (well, 2) that makes similar or better armor than C6...and without the condescending, elite, and reclusive attitudes. Watch for a full revision of my suit."

"WATCH FOR A FULL REVISION OF MY SUIT." is pertaining to a new armorer that I am acquainted with, but will not divulge due to the heat in this string, and the level of hospitality shown to me concerning this. Feel free to lock this thread if anything I have just said is of offence or violates CoC.

So no ads, no sales, just answering questions.

Lastly...Peril? Is goat threatening me by getting a moderator to become involved, then get me banned because I try to defend myself? I would like to know how honest I can be here, of course, with the highest possible level of objectivity.

R25, feel free to PM me if you like to have a private conversation and some insight.

With Regards,

John <- just a guy covered in plastic clone armor.

Originally posted by rocketeer25+Jan 2 2006, 07:54 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rocketeer25 @ Jan 2 2006, 07:54 PM)</div>
@Jan 2 2006, 11:56 AM
Glover owes people product or refunds and has for sometime.  His attitude towards recasting others work is reprehensible.

Furthermore Glover is a banned member here with good reason.  If you choose to deal with him you do so at your own peril.

Darthgoat is right... Mike G. is banned from the RPF. Please do not attempt to generate sales, advertise, or tout his products here.

RPF Staff

I have no knowledge of any history between you and darthgoat.

My only concern is that you may be putting members of the RPF in contact with MG off-board, and that those members may not know of MG's sordid history.

He is banned from the RPF, and shilling for banned members (whether or not you named him in the thread is irrelavent) is not allowed.

PM me if you need further clarification.

I guess it was the "shilling" remark. No big deal. I am trying to remember to be in this for fun. Isn't that what it is supposed to be? Fun? I believe so.

I want to change my RPF ID to Mister Fun Guy. Can I do that without being a sock puppet?


Originally posted by GeneralMayhem@Jan 3 2006, 12:07 AM
OK, now that we know from whom NOT to buy clone armor, whose armor SHOULD we buy?

Thank you. :)