What I did yesterday NEW PICS!


Master Member

Just wanted to share my re-arranged glass-cabinet(s) plus the acrylic covers I just bought for my lids.

Not shown is my blaster wall (which will be totally redesigned next week :D), the cabinet with the vintage action figures, my Vader 1:1 and some other items I have stuffed into the corners of my overcrowded office.

Hope you like the setup...(sorry for the crappy pics :$)








Oooh...can I have a Graflex?


Be your best friend....


Seriously, the collection looks great...it looks like a collection of artifacts from a very interesting life.

Very cool.

I see you have way too many kobold and graflex flash units, lol.

Where do find your Vader display cases?
I "found" them at a manufacturer, who does custom display cases :lol

Seriously...I had them made to my specs. 40x40x40 cm ea.

Looks good Markus.

I need some of those cases for my Vader lids too. I'm going to try locally to see what I can come up with.

That's a really nice looking episode I gun on the top shelf. Is it real metal?
WHERE is that darn cat ? Just picked quite a few of her hairs off my pullover :lol
But I can´t find her in the first pick ? Sneaky little 3.tch she is .

And the Clone Trooper found his place where he stands at the moment thanks to the nagging another friend and me did at the little private prop party we held yesterday night at Markus´ place :p Looks great, doesn´t it ?

I am really thinking about getting me a few of those acrylic cases...

Originally posted by RKW@Feb 19 2006, 01:34 PM

That's a really nice looking episode I gun on the top shelf. Is it real metal?

Man, you are looking at the BlasterMasters collection, there is (almost) no place for resin guns in his reality ;) Its based on a real FWB C-55, I have its sister gun, all additional metal parts (scopes, rocket, etc.) coming from a very small run that was done a few years ago. I think there are currently only about five examples with real metal parts known to be in collectors hands outside the LFL archives (I think only one or two hero Naboo S-5 Ascension guns were built for the movie, with the rest being resin casts, since the base gun runs for about 1200-1400 Euros). And Markus´example is IMO the most accurate, since my example e.g. has a slightly different marking and a slightly differnet grip on it, representing a mix between the stunt and the hero.

Markus. . . I have said it before, and I'll say it again.
You have WAY too many props. The mass of all your props is eventually going to create a black hole, and everything will be sucked in.. :lol

In order to help save the world, I will store a couple of them on the other side of the Earth. . . I think the Boba Fett pre-pro and a Kobold would be just enough.

J/K, as you know. I always like seeing pics of your tremendous collection.
whats up with that clonetrooper helmet?

is that wilson?


oh i just spotted the cases for your vader helmets, are they custom made? availability ? price? i need one.

Scrummy scrummy :)

Originally posted by zorg@Feb 19 2006, 03:11 PM
oh i just spotted the cases for your vader helmets, are they custom made? availability ? price?  i need one.

Originally posted by zorg@Feb 19 2006, 10:09 AM
whats up with that clonetrooper helmet?

is that wilson?



...that's exactly what I was thinking....
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the kind words :)

The "TK-WILSON" helmet is "Sev" from Republic Commandos :lol

YOU are fully responsible for not being able to be near your part of my collection.
It was YOUR decision to go back to the states, right .? ;) :lol

The cases were ordered through a german website (www.sora.de) and come unassambled. They were custom made to my specs and cost about $80 ea.

Hey Michael:
Thanks for giving me the chance to put your marvellous gift in the right spotlight :lol
I have to disagree reg. the S5...while its close, it´s not the most accurate one out there, since I made some compromises during its assmebly ;)

BTW: The cat is in the far right of the first pic in the lit bathroom, watching my steps while I took the pics of my collection :lol

I did the exact same thing yesterday.-Rearrange the collection that is. My wife and I went to IKEA so we picked up some new shelves. Don't worry, I won't post any pics in this thread, not to hijack ofcourse. Looks great. I especially like all the flashes in the one shot. Pretty cool set up.